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Created March 21, 2021 21:49
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Cartography EC2 route_tables ingest draft
import logging
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
import boto3
import neo4j
from .util import get_botocore_config
from cartography.util import aws_handle_regions
from cartography.util import run_cleanup_job
from cartography.util import timeit
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_route_tables_data(boto3_session: boto3.session.Session, region: str) -> List[Dict]:
client = boto3_session.client('ec2', region_name=region, config=get_botocore_config())
return client.describe_route_tables()['RouteTables']
def load_route_tables(
neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, data: List[Dict], region: str,
aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int,
) -> None:
ingest_route_tables = """
UNWIND {route_tables} AS route_table
MERGE (rt:Ec2RouteTable{id: route_table.RouteTableId})
ON CREATE SET rt.firstseen = timestamp()
SET rt.lastupdated = {update_tag},
rt.route_table_id = route_table.RouteTableId
MERGE (vpc:AWSVpc{id: route_table.VpcId})
ON CREATE SET avpc.firstseen = timestamp()
SET vpc.lastupdated = {update_tag}, vpc.vpcid = route_table.VpcId
MERGE (account:AWSAccount{id: route_table.OwnerId})
ON CREATE SET account.firstseen = timestamp()
SET account.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (account)-[r:RESOURCE]->(route_table)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (vpc)-[r:RESOURCE]->(route_table)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}
ingest_route_tables, route_tables=data, update_tag=update_tag,
region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id,
def load_subnet_associations(
neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, data: List[Dict], region: str,
aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int,
) -> None:
ingest_subnet_associations = """
UNWIND {route_tables} AS route_table
UNWIND route_table.Associations AS assoc
MERGE (subnet:EC2Subnet{id: assoc.SubnetId})
ON CREATE SET subnet.firstseen = timestamp()
SET subnet.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (subnet)-[r:ASSOCIATED]->(route_table)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}, r.main = assoc.Main,
r.state = assoc.AssociationState.State, = assoc.RouteTableAssociationId
ingest_subnet_associations, route_tables=data, update_tag=update_tag,
region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id,
def load_routes(
neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, data: List[Dict], region: str,
aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int,
) -> None:
for route_table in data:
# routes will be split to
route_table['localRoutes'] = []
route_table['InternetGatewayRoutes'] = []
route_table['VPCPeeringRoutes'] = []
route_table['NATGatewayRoutes'] = []
route_table['TransitGatewayRoutes'] = []
route_table['CarrierGatewayRoutes'] = []
for route in route_table['Routes']:
if 'DestinationCidrBlock' not in route:
if route.get('GatewayId','') == 'local':
elif route.get('GatewayId','').find('igw-') == 0:
elif route.get('VpcPeeringConnectionId','').find('pcx-') == 0:
elif route.get('NatGatewayId','').find('nat-') == 0:
elif route.get('TransitGatewayId','').find('tgw-') == 0:
elif route.get('CarrierGatewayId','').find('cgw-') == 0:
ingest_local_routes = """
UNWIND {route_tables} AS route_table
UNWIND route_table.localRoutes AS route
MERGE (ec2r:EC2Route:Route{id: route_table.RouteTableId + '|' + route.DestinationCidrBlock})
ON CREATE SET ec2r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET ec2r.lastupdated = {update_tag},
ec2r.gateway_id = route.GatewayId,
ec2r.destination_cidr_block = route.DestinationCidrBlock,
ec2r.origin = route.Origin, ec2r.state = route.State
MERGE (account:AWSAccount{id: route_table.OwnerId})
ON CREATE SET account.firstseen = timestamp()
SET account.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (account)-[r:RESOURCE]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}
ingest_local_routes, route_tables=data, update_tag=update_tag,
region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id,
ingest_igw_routes = """
UNWIND {route_tables} AS route_table
UNWIND route_table.InternetGatewayRoutes AS route
MERGE (ec2r:EC2Route:Route{id: route_table.RouteTableId + '|' + route.DestinationCidrBlock})
ON CREATE SET ec2r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET ec2r.lastupdated = {update_tag},
ec2r.gateway_id = route.GatewayId,
ec2r.destination_cidr_block = route.DestinationCidrBlock,
ec2r.origin = route.Origin, ec2r.state = route.State
MERGE (igw:AWSInternetGateway{id: route.GatewayId})
ON CREATE SET subnet.firstseen = timestamp()
SET subnet.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (igw)-[r:ASSOCIATED]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}, r.main = assoc.Main,
r.state = assoc.AssociationState.State, = assoc.RouteTableAssociationId
MERGE (account:AWSAccount{id: route_table.OwnerId})
ON CREATE SET account.firstseen = timestamp()
SET account.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (account)-[r:RESOURCE]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}
ingest_igw_routes, route_tables=data, update_tag=update_tag,
region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id,
ingest_pcx_routes = """
UNWIND {route_tables} AS route_table
UNWIND route_table.VPCPeeringRoutes AS route
MERGE (ec2r:EC2Route:Route{id: route_table.RouteTableId + '|' + route.DestinationCidrBlock})
ON CREATE SET ec2r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET ec2r.lastupdated = {update_tag},
ec2r.peeringconnection_id = route.VpcPeeringConnectionId,
ec2r.destination_cidr_block = route.DestinationCidrBlock,
ec2r.origin = route.Origin, ec2r.state = route.State
MERGE (pcx:PeeringConnection{id: route.VpcPeeringConnectionId})
ON CREATE SET subnet.firstseen = timestamp()
SET subnet.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (pcx)-[r:ASSOCIATED]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}, r.main = assoc.Main,
r.state = assoc.AssociationState.State, = assoc.RouteTableAssociationId
MERGE (account:AWSAccount{id: route_table.OwnerId})
ON CREATE SET account.firstseen = timestamp()
SET account.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (account)-[r:RESOURCE]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}
ingest_pcx_routes, route_tables=data, update_tag=update_tag,
region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id,
ingest_nat_routes = """
UNWIND {route_tables} AS route_table
UNWIND route_table.NATGatewayRoutes AS route
MERGE (ec2r:EC2Route:Route{id: route_table.RouteTableId + '|' + route.DestinationCidrBlock})
ON CREATE SET ec2r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET ec2r.lastupdated = {update_tag},
ec2r.natgateway_id = route.NatGatewayId,
ec2r.destination_cidr_block = route.DestinationCidrBlock,
ec2r.origin = route.Origin, ec2r.state = route.State
MERGE (ngw:NatGateway{id: route.NatGatewayId})
ON CREATE SET subnet.firstseen = timestamp()
SET subnet.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (ngw)-[r:ASSOCIATED]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}, r.main = assoc.Main,
r.state = assoc.AssociationState.State, = assoc.RouteTableAssociationId
MERGE (account:AWSAccount{id: route_table.OwnerId})
ON CREATE SET account.firstseen = timestamp()
SET account.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (account)-[r:RESOURCE]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}
ingest_nat_routes, route_tables=data, update_tag=update_tag,
region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id,
ingest_tgw_routes = """
UNWIND {route_tables} AS route_table
UNWIND route_table.TransitGatewayRoutes AS route
MERGE (ec2r:EC2Route:Route{id: route_table.RouteTableId + '|' + route.DestinationCidrBlock})
ON CREATE SET ec2r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET ec2r.lastupdated = {update_tag},
ec2r.transitgateway_id = route.TransitGatewayId,
ec2r.destination_cidr_block = route.DestinationCidrBlock,
ec2r.origin = route.Origin, ec2r.state = route.State
MERGE (tgw:AWSTransitGateway{tgw_id: route.TransitGatewayId})
ON CREATE SET subnet.firstseen = timestamp()
SET subnet.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (tgw)-[r:ASSOCIATED]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}, r.main = assoc.Main,
r.state = assoc.AssociationState.State, = assoc.RouteTableAssociationId
MERGE (account:AWSAccount{id: route_table.OwnerId})
ON CREATE SET account.firstseen = timestamp()
SET account.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (account)-[r:RESOURCE]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}
ingest_tgw_routes, route_tables=data, update_tag=update_tag,
region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id,
ingest_cgw_routes = """
UNWIND {route_tables} AS route_table
UNWIND route_table.CarrierGatewayRoutes AS route
MERGE (ec2r:EC2Route:Route{id: route_table.RouteTableId + '|' + route.DestinationCidrBlock})
ON CREATE SET ec2r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET ec2r.lastupdated = {update_tag},
ec2r.carriergateway_id = route.CarrierGatewayId,
ec2r.destination_cidr_block = route.DestinationCidrBlock,
ec2r.origin = route.Origin, ec2r.state = route.State
MERGE (cgw:CarrierGatewayRoutes{id: route.CarrierGatewayId})
ON CREATE SET subnet.firstseen = timestamp()
SET subnet.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (cgw)-[r:ASSOCIATED]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}, r.main = assoc.Main,
r.state = assoc.AssociationState.State, = assoc.RouteTableAssociationId
MERGE (account:AWSAccount{id: route_table.OwnerId})
ON CREATE SET account.firstseen = timestamp()
SET account.lastupdated = {update_tag}
MERGE (account)-[r:RESOURCE]->(route)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag}
ingest_cgw_routes, route_tables=data, update_tag=update_tag,
region=region, aws_account_id=aws_account_id,
def cleanup_route_tables(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, common_job_parameters: Dict) -> None:
run_cleanup_job('aws_import_route_tables_cleanup.json', neo4j_session, common_job_parameters)
def sync_route_tables(
neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, boto3_session: boto3.session.Session, regions: List[str],
current_aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int, common_job_parameters: Dict,
) -> None:
for region in regions:
logger.debug("Syncing RouteTables for region '%s' in account '%s'.", region, current_aws_account_id)
data = get_route_tables_data(boto3_session, region)
load_route_tables(neo4j_session, data, region, current_aws_account_id, update_tag)
load_subnet_associations(neo4j_session, data, region, current_aws_account_id, update_tag)
load_routes(neo4j_session, data, region, current_aws_account_id, update_tag)
cleanup_route_tables(neo4j_session, common_job_parameters)
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