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Last active May 11, 2021 13:50
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  • Save krisfoster/d0f67084669f98d6811f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save krisfoster/d0f67084669f98d6811f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scratch attempt at a markov model in elisp. God help me.
; Package-Requires: ((dash "2.10.0") (dash-functional "1.2.0") (emacs "24"))
;;; A markov model for generating rubbish text in an amusing
;;; and diverting number of voices.
;; How to use:
;; The steps about downloading the smaple text files aren't
;; required anymore. It now fetches the smaples from gists
;; Download the following files, these contain the sample text
;; for building the models:
;; *
;; *
;; *
;; These need to be saved to your home directory (whatever ~ is in your
;; emacs set up). This will change...
;; This still needs to be done though.
;; Save this file as markov.el and load into emacs or just eval it.
;; Open a file and: M-x krf/dre
;; Hilarity ensues.
(require 'cl)
(require 'dash)
(require 'url)
;; Debug funcs
(defun krf/kbug (msg)
;;(goto-char (point-max))
(insert msg)
(insert "\n")))
(defun krf/hash-to-list (hashtable)
"Return a list that represent the HASHTABLE."
(let (myList)
(maphash (lambda (kk vv) (setq myList (cons (list kk vv) myList))) hashtable)
(defun krf/prnl (l)
(if (first l)
(insert (format "%s\n" (car l)))
(krf/prnl (cdr l)))
(insert "<<end>>\n")))
(defun krf/display-hash (h)
(goto-char (point-max))
(krf/prnl (krf/hash-to-list h))))
;; end
;; Partitioning funcs - stole this from somewhere
(defun krf/partition-list (list step length)
while list
collect (subseq list 0 length)
do (setf list (nthcdr step list))))
(defun krf/partition-vector (vector step length)
for i = 0 then (+ i length)
while (< i (length vector))
collect (subseq vector i (+ i length))))
(defun krf/partition (sequence step length)
(etypecase sequence
(list (krf/partition-list sequence step length))
(string (krf/partition-vector sequence step length)) ; emacs lisp strings are not vectors!
(vector (krf/partition-vector sequence step length))))
;; end
;; General funcs
(defun krf/keys (hh)
"Returns all of the keys within a hash-table"
(let (key-list)
(maphash (lambda (kk vv) (setq key-list (cons kk key-list))) hh)
(defun krf/random-key (hh)
"Returns a random key from a hash-table"
(let* ((ks (krf/keys hh))
(len (length ks))
(idx (max 0 (random len))))
(nth idx ks)))
(defun krf/get-key (l)
(subseq l 0 (- (length l) 1)))
(defun krf/get-value (l)
(car (last l)))
(defun krf/random-element (l)
"Takes a list and returns a random element from that list"
(let* (idx (random (length l)))
(nth random l)))
(defun krf/markov-chain (pws)
"I take a list of lists (partioned over the input text) and generate a hashtable, which is the model, and return it"
(reduce (lambda (hh v)
(let* ((kk (krf/get-key v)) ; all but last : key
(vv (krf/get-value v))) ; last is the value
(if (gethash kk hh)
(puthash kk (append (gethash kk hh) (list vv)) hh)
(puthash kk (list vv) hh))
:initial-value (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(defun krf/next-link (kk h)
(let* ((v (gethash kk h))
(idx (max 0 (random (length v)))))
(nth idx v)))
;; Load a file into a var
(defun krf/get-string-from-file (filePath)
"Return filePath's file content."
(insert-file-contents filePath)
;; Stole this
(defun krf/chomp (str)
"Chomp leading and tailing whitespace from STR."
(replace-regexp-in-string (rx (or (: bos (* (any " \t\n")))
(: (* (any " \t\n")) eos)))
(defun krf/remove-empty-words (l)
(-remove (lambda (l) (member nil l)) l))
(defun krf/sanatise-and-split (txt)
(let* ((r-word "^[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]+[.?!]?$")
(clean-txt (krf/chomp (replace-regexp-in-string "--" ""
(replace-regexp-in-string "[\n,;\"\']" " " txt))))
(words-1 (split-string clean-txt " "))
(words-2 (mapcar 'krf/chomp words-1))
(words-3 (-filter
(lambda (s) (and
(> (length s) 0)
(string-match r-word s)))
(defvar krf/kris-debug nil)
(defun krf/chain-walker (words idx starting-at acc)
"I walk the line... and return alist of words from the model"
(let* ( (next-part (krf/next-link starting-at words))
(next-starting-at (append (last starting-at) (list next-part))))
(if krf/kris-debug
(krf/kbug (concat "..[" (number-to-string idx) "] . "
(format "%s" starting-at) " . "
(format "%s" next-starting-at) " . "
(format "%s" next-part) " . "
(format "%s" acc))))
(if (<= idx 0)
(krf/chain-walker words (- idx 1) next-starting-at
(append acc (list next-part)))))))
(defun krf/load-model-text (file)
"I load a file and return a string"
(krf/get-string-from-file file))
(defun krf/create-model (text &optional chain-length)
"Creates a markov-chain from some sample text"
(let* (;; Fix up the input data
(chain-length 2)
(words (krf/remove-empty-words (krf/sanatise-and-split text)))
;; make a hash map from the words. We partition the data into
(pwords (krf/remove-empty-words (krf/partition words 1 (+ chain-length 1))))
(chain (krf/markov-chain pwords)))
(defun krf/drop-the-noise (chain len)
(let* ((starting-at (krf/random-key chain)))
(krf/chain-walker chain len starting-at starting-at)))
(defvar krf/--lingos (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defun krf/add-lingo (name sample)
"Adds a new lingo"
(puthash name (krf/create-model sample) krf/--lingos))
(defun krf/get-lingo (name)
(gethash name krf/--lingos))
(defun krf/talk-like-an-egyptian (name len)
"Generates random text, from a markov chain, for the given lingo"
(let ((chain (krf/get-lingo name)))
(mapconcat 'identity (krf/drop-the-noise chain len) " ")))
;; Remote loading of text samples from URLS
(defun remove-headers (resp)
"Removes the headers from the response retruned by url-retieve
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\(.+\n\\)+\\(.+\n\n\\)" "" resp))
(defun load-resources (name url)
"Takes a url that points to an online text sample and adds it as a lingo against the name"
(let ((url-request-method "GET"))
(url-retrieve url (lambda (status args)
(krf/add-lingo args (remove-headers (buffer-string))))
(list name))))
;; These input files can be found at:
;; *
;; *
;; *
(defun krf/init-local ()
(krf/add-lingo "dre" (krf/load-model-text "~/dre.txt"))
(krf/add-lingo "chaucer" (krf/load-model-text "~/canterbury-tales.txt"))
(krf/add-lingo "lear" (krf/load-model-text "~/dong-with-luminous-nose.txt"))))
(defun krf/init-remote ()
(load-resources "dre" "")
(load-resources "lear" "")
(load-resources "chaucer" "")))
;; Initialisation...
(defun krf/dre ()
(insert (krf/talk-like-an-egyptian "dre" 50)))
(defun krf/lear ()
(insert (krf/talk-like-an-egyptian "lear" 50)))
(defun krf/chaucer ()
(insert (krf/talk-like-an-egyptian "chaucer" 50)))
;; Key bindings... for when I can find some unbound keys
;; (global-set-key (kbd "") 'krf/dre)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "") 'krf/lear)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "") 'krf/chaucer)
;; And use it...
;; (krf/talk-like-an-egyptian "dre" 150)
;; (krf/talk-like-an-egyptian "chaucer" 50)
;; (krf/talk-like-an-egyptian "lear" 50)
;; or (krf/chaucer)
;; Next up...
;; * load the sample text in a better way - DONE. Now are loaded from gists directly
;; * allow the model to be easily updated with new samples
;; * serve it up as a restful web app using elnode
;;....word up!
(provide 'markov)
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