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Last active June 25, 2019 04:22
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import csv
import sre_yield
from os.path import join
skill_path = '/opt/mycroft/skills/skill-date-time.ndato'
output_file = './tests_to_create.csv'
intent_handler = 'handle_query_current_time_adapt'
expected_dialog = "time.future"
offset = 8
location = 'London'
### time.current
# input_strings = [
# f"(do you know|(could you|) (tell|give) (me|)|(can you|) (check|(tell|give) (me|))|may i (ask|know)|) (what time (is it|it is) ((currently|(right|) now|) ((at|in|for) {location}|)|((at|in|for) {location}|) (currently|(right|) now|))|the (current|) time ((at|in|for) {location}|)) (|please)",
# f"(excuse me|) (what is|what\'s) the (current time ((at|in|for) {location}|) |time ((at|in|for) {location}|) (currently|(right|) now|)|time (currently|(right|) now|) ((at|in|for) {location}|)) (|please)",
# f"((do|can you|) check the|check|the|) clock (((at|in|for) {location}|) ((right|) now|)|((right|) now|) ((at|in|for) {location}|)|) (|please)"
# f"((check (the|)|(tell|give) (me|) the|)|the|) (time (((right|) now|) ((at|in|for) {location}|)|((at|in|for) {location}|) ((right|) now|)|)|current time ((at|in|for) {location}|)) (|please)"
# ]
### time.future
input_strings = [
f"(in|) {offset} (hours|minutes|seconds) what (time will it be|will the time be) (from now|) ((at|in|for) {location}|)",
f"what (time will it be|will the time be) (in|) {offset} (hours|minutes|seconds) (from now|) ((at|in|for) {location}|)",
f"(do you know|may i (ask|know)|) when is it {offset} (hours|minutes|seconds) (from now|) ((at|in|for) {location}|)",
f"(do you know|may i (ask|know)|) (the|) time in {offset} (hours|minutes|seconds) (from now|) (|please) ((at|in|for) {location}|)"
def test_template(utt, handler):
return '\n'.join(['{',
f' "utterance": "{utt}",',
f' "expected_dialog": "time.future"',
def expand_regex(regex):
result = list(sre_yield.AllStrings(regex))
return result
all_strings = []
[all_strings.extend(expand_regex(regex)) for regex in input_strings]
def write_to_csv(data, csv_file):
output = []
for s in data:
output.append([s.strip(), intent_handler])
## Preview output
## Write output to csv
with open(csv_file, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
# write_to_csv(all_strings, output_file)
files_created = []
def create_test(utt, handler):
test_file_name = ''.join(
x for x in utt if (x.isalnum() or x in '._-')) + '.intent.json'
test_path = f'{skill_path}/test/intent/{test_file_name}'
with open(test_path, "w+") as test_file:
test_file.write(test_template(utt, handler))
print(f'Creating {len(all_strings)} tests')
for utt in all_strings:
create_test(utt, intent_handler)
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