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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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Roll back MapsOpener 1.3 to 1.2.2.

MapsOpener 1.3 does not work on iOS 6 devices, an issue known by @hbangws.

@hbangws have asked me to add to this a disclaimer that they do not condone downgrading. Proceed at your own peril.

While they work on a fix, rolling back to the previous version of MapsOpener is possible with the following steps.

Please be sure you know what you're doing on the device before attempting to roll back MapsOpener manually. It will require you to copy packages on to the device, SSH into the device, and install the packages via the console. This guide assumes you have a computer with ssh, scp, and curl (or wget), and are familiar with the dpkg package manager. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, close this tab and step away slowly. Perhaps go grab a coffee, and think of what unspeakable horrors you just avoided.

  1. Install the “SSH Connect” package using Cydia.

  2. Uninstall MapsOpener, Opener, and RocketBootstrap using Cydia.

  3. Turn SSH on (Settings -> SSH Connect).

  4. Download libopener 1.1.1-1 and mapsopener 1.2.2-1:

     $ curl -O
     $ curl -O
  5. Copy these files to the device (the IP is found in Settings -> SSH Connect, and the password is well-known):

     $ scp *opener*.deb root@10.0.1.x:/private/var/cache/apt/archives # the Cydia apt cache folder, because why not?
  6. SSH into the device using ssh, and navigate to where you put the package files:

     $ ssh root@10.0.1.x
     iDevice# cd private/var/cache/apt/archives
  7. Install the two packages, in the following order, using dpkg:

     iDevice# dpkg -i libopener_1.1.1-1.deb
     iDevice# dpkg -i mapsopener_1.2.2-1.deb
  8. Delete the .deb files, as they're no longer needed (or allow Cydia to clean up automatically next time you run it):

     iDevice# rm *opener*.deb
  9. Exit the SSH session on the device:

     iDevice# exit
  10. Respring or reboot the device.

  11. Turn off SSH.

  12. Open address links directly into Google Maps again, and sigh with relief.

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