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Forked from deepu105/JDL-Istio-demo
Last active January 10, 2019 23:34
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application {
config {
baseName store
applicationType gateway
serviceDiscoveryType no
authenticationType jwt
prodDatabaseType mysql
cacheProvider hazelcast
buildTool gradle
clientFramework react
useSass true
testFrameworks [protractor]
entities *
application {
config {
baseName product
applicationType microservice
packageName com.sat.projectx.product
serviceDiscoveryType no
authenticationType jwt
prodDatabaseType mysql
cacheProvider hazelcast
buildTool gradle
serverPort 8081
entities Product, ProductCategory, ProductOrder, OrderItem
application {
config {
baseName invoice
applicationType microservice
packageName com.sat.projectx.invoice
serviceDiscoveryType no
authenticationType jwt
prodDatabaseType mysql
buildTool gradle
serverPort 8082
entities Invoice, Shipment
application {
config {
baseName notification
applicationType microservice
packageName com.sat.projectx.notification
serviceDiscoveryType no
authenticationType jwt
databaseType mongodb
cacheProvider no
enableHibernateCache false
buildTool gradle
serverPort 8083
entities Notification
* Entities for Store Gateway
// Customer for the store
entity Customer {
firstName String required
lastName String required
gender Gender required
email String required pattern(/^[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\.[^@\s]+$/)
phone String required
addressLine1 String required
addressLine2 String
city String required
country String required
enum Gender {
relationship OneToOne {
Customer{user(login) required} to User
service Customer with serviceClass
paginate Customer with pagination
* Entities for product microservice
// Product sold by the Online store
entity Product {
name String required
description String
price BigDecimal required min(0)
size Size required
image ImageBlob
enum Size {
S, M, L, XL, XXL
entity ProductCategory {
name String required
description String
entity ProductOrder {
placedDate Instant required
status OrderStatus required
code String required
invoiceId Long
customer String required
enum OrderStatus {
entity OrderItem {
quantity Integer required min(0)
totalPrice BigDecimal required min(0)
status OrderItemStatus required
enum OrderItemStatus {
relationship ManyToOne {
OrderItem{product(name) required} to Product
relationship OneToMany {
ProductOrder{orderItem} to OrderItem{order(code) required} ,
ProductCategory{product} to Product{productCategory(name)}
service Product, ProductCategory, ProductOrder, OrderItem with serviceClass
paginate Product, ProductOrder, OrderItem with pagination
microservice Product, ProductOrder, ProductCategory, OrderItem with product
* Entities for Invoice microservice
// Invoice for sales
entity Invoice {
code String required
date Instant required
details String
status InvoiceStatus required
paymentMethod PaymentMethod required
paymentDate Instant required
paymentAmount BigDecimal required
enum InvoiceStatus {
entity Shipment {
trackingCode String
date Instant required
details String
enum PaymentMethod {
relationship OneToMany {
Invoice{shipment} to Shipment{invoice(code) required}
service Invoice, Shipment with serviceClass
paginate Invoice, Shipment with pagination
microservice Invoice, Shipment with invoice
* Entities for notification microservice
entity Notification {
date Instant required
details String
sentDate Instant required
format NotificationType required
userId Long required
productId Long required
enum NotificationType {
microservice Notification with notification
* Deployments
deployment {
deploymentType kubernetes
appsFolders [store, invoice, notification, product]
dockerRepositoryName "deepu105"
serviceDiscoveryType no
istio autoInjection
istioRoute true
kubernetesServiceType Ingress
kubernetesNamespace jhipster
ingressDomain ""
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