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Last active October 17, 2019 03:14
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Using Flow to simulate a pull sequence
import kotlinx.coroutines.FlowPreview
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlin.random.Random
fun main() = runBlocking {
val events = eventStoreProducer()
val messages = kafkaProducer()
val dynamic = unfoldAsync(0, ::unfoldExample)
//Note: need to study more on conflate seems like when its conflated the full sequence ends when the first sequence ends.
val merged = sequenceOf(events, messages, dynamic).asFlow().flattenMerge()
merged.collect { (m, commit) ->
println("Consumer: Received=$m")
private suspend fun unfoldExample(it: Int): Pair<Int, Pair<String, () -> Unit>>? {
return if(it < 5) {
val output = "Dynamic$it" to { println("Done!!!") }
(it + 1) to output
typealias CommitOffset = () -> Unit
fun eventStoreProducer(): Flow<Pair<String, CommitOffset>> = flow {
println("EventProducer: Fetching another event")
emit("Event 1" to { println("Committing event 1") })
println("EventProducer: Fetching another event")
emit("Event 2" to { println("Committing event 2") })
fun kafkaProducer(): Flow<Pair<String, CommitOffset>> = flow {
println("KafkaProducer: Fetching another message")
emit("Message 1" to { println("Committing offset 1") })
println("KafkaProducer: Fetching another message")
emit("Message 2" to { println("Committing offset 2") })
//Option type in Kotlin is a pain to implement so will just use nullable for this example.
//sealed class Option<T> {
// object None : Option<Nothing>()
// data class Some<T>(val a: T) : Option<T>()
fun <T, S> unfoldAsync(initialState: S, unfolder: suspend (S) -> Pair<S, T>?): Flow<T> = flow {
var current = initialState
while (true) {
val result = unfolder(current)
if (result!=null) {
val (nextState, value) = result
current = nextState
} else return@flow
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