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Created June 16, 2014 01:57
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Scala + REST + JSON
//Imports for Dispatch
import dispatch._
import Defaults._
object Places {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//Step 1 : Prepare the request object
//even though its a https . doing a .secure is not required
val request = url("")
val requestAsGet = request.GET //not required but lets be explicit
//Step 2 : Set the required parameters
val builtRequest = requestAsGet.addQueryParameter("key", "Almost gave this away")
.addQueryParameter("location", "40.5556204,-74.4162536")
.addQueryParameter("radius", "10000")
.addQueryParameter("sensor", "false")
.addQueryParameter("keyword", "starbucks")
//Step 3: Make the request (method is already set above)
val content = Http(builtRequest)
//Step 4: Once the response is available
//response completed successfully
content onSuccess {
//Step 5 : Request was successful & response was OK
case x if x.getStatusCode() == 200 =>
//Step 6 : Response was OK, read the contents
case y => //Step 7 : Response is not OK, read the error
println("Failed with status code" + y.getStatusCode())
//Step 7 : Request did not complete successfully, read the error
content onFailure {
case x =>
println("Failed but"); println(x.getMessage)
println("ENTER TO EXIT")
case class Location(lat: Double, lng: Double)
case class Geometry(location: Location)
case class RunningStatus(open_now: Boolean)
case class Results(geometry: Geometry, icon: Option[String], id: Option[String], name: Option[String],
opening_hours: Option[RunningStatus], price_level: Option[Double], rating: Option[Double],
reference: Option[String], types: Option[List[String]], vicinity: Option[String])
case class RootJsonObject(results: List[Results])
//JSON imports
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization.{ read }
import org.json4s.NoTypeHints
private def handleJsonOutput(body: String): Unit = {
//required to set implicit here for JSON serialization to work properly
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
//read the output as a RootJsonObject instance
//the read call does the trick of mapping JSon to the case classes
val output = read[RootJsonObject](body)
println(s"Total Results: ${output.results.size}")
for (each <- output.results)
println(s"${} at ${each.vicinity.get}")
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