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Created January 10, 2018 02:03
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Shows how a struct holding complex datatypes can be serialized using serde library. Fixed problems with lifetimes.
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
struct DetailRecord {
id: i32,
description: String,
data: Vec<u8>,
data_type: String
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
struct Details <'a>{
id: i32,
detail_record_ids: Vec<&'a DetailRecord>
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
struct Profile <'a>{
id: i32,
description: String,
detail_record_ids: Vec<&'a DetailRecord>,
profile_specific_records: Vec<&'a ProfileSpecificRecord>
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
struct ProfileSpecificRecord {
id: i32,
description: String,
data: Vec<u8>,
data_type: String
fn main () {
//Serialization stuff
trait ToString where Self: serde::Serialize {
fn tostring(&self) -> String{
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&self).unwrap();
return serialized;
impl ToString for DetailRecord {
impl<'a> ToString for Details<'a> {
impl ToString for ProfileSpecificRecord {
impl<'a> ToString for Profile<'a> {
//Sample data
let dr1 = DetailRecord { id: 1, description: String::from("name"), data: String::from("Krishna").into_bytes(), data_type: String::from("String")};
let dr2 = DetailRecord { id: 2, description: String::from("address"), data: String::from("Earth").into_bytes(), data_type: String::from("String")};
let dr3 = DetailRecord { id: 2, description: String::from("aadhar"), data: String::from("111111111111").into_bytes(), data_type: String::from("String")};
let d1 = Details {id: 1, detail_record_ids: vec![&dr1, &dr2, &dr3]};
let ps1 = ProfileSpecificRecord {id: 1, description: String::from("dob"), data: String::from("00/00/1000").into_bytes(), data_type: String::from("date")};
let p1 = Profile {id:1, description: String::from("aadhar"), detail_record_ids: vec![&dr1, &dr3], profile_specific_records: vec![&ps1]};
let p1 = Profile {id:2, description: String::from("personal"), detail_record_ids: vec![&dr1, &dr2], profile_specific_records: vec![]};
println!("p1 string {}",p1.tostring());
println!("d1 string {}",d1.tostring());
println!("dr1 string {}",dr1.tostring());
println!("ps1 string {}",ps1.tostring());
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