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Created December 11, 2012 04:18
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parallel pathfinding
import scala.actors._
import scala.actors.Actor._
import scala.math.{pow,abs}
import collection.mutable.HashMap
class CoordinatesActor extends Actor {
def act = {
react {
case( caller:Actor, xy:(Int,Int), leftTop:(Int,Int), rightBottom:(Int,Int), path:List[(Int,Int)]) => {
// find 8 points around xy - the 3 points to the left, 3 to the right, & one above & below.
val (x,y) = xy
val res = Seq(x-1,x,x+1).map( a => Seq(y-1,y,y+1).map( b=> (a,b)))
.filterNot( ab => ab._1 == x && ab._2 == y)
.filterNot( ab=> ab._1 < leftTop._1 || ab._1 > rightBottom._1)
.filterNot( ab=> ab._2 < leftTop._2 || ab._2 > rightBottom._2)
.filterNot( ab=> path.contains(ab))
caller! new scala.util.Random().shuffle(res)
} // end react
} // end act
object PathFinder {
var notDone = new HashMap[Double,Boolean]()
def init( p:List[Double]) = {
p.foreach( x=> notDone += (x->true))
class PathFinder(p:Double, leftTop:(Int,Int), rightBottom:(Int,Int),src:(Int,Int), finish:(Int,Int), path:List[(Int,Int)]) extends Actor {
def minkowski( ab:(Int,Int), cd:(Int,Int)) = {
val (a,b) = ab
val (c,d) = cd
pow(pow(abs(a-c),p) + pow(abs(b-d),p), 1.0/p)
def act = {
if( PathFinder.notDone(p) ) {
new CoordinatesActor().start ! (this, src, leftTop, rightBottom, path)
react {
case (dest:List[(Int,Int)]) => {
if( dest.size > 0 && PathFinder.notDone(p)) {
val mink = d => (minkowski( src, d),d ))
val minmink = mink.minBy( _._1)._1
val candidates = mink.filter( xy => abs(xy._1 - minmink) < 1e-10).map( xy=> xy._2 )
if (candidates.contains( finish )) {
PathFinder.notDone(p) = false
println( "p:" + p + ", " + (finish::path).reverse )
} else {
if( PathFinder.notDone(p) )
candidates.par.foreach( c => new PathFinder( p,leftTop,rightBottom, c, finish, c::path ).start )
object CoordinatesActor {
def main(args:Array[String]) = {
// want to go from start coord to finish in the shortest possible way as per p-minkowski
val leftTop = (0,0)
val rightBottom = (10,10)
val startCoord = (0,2)
val finish = (10,3)
// 1. given a start, end, and a src,
// you find all dest points you can get to from that src
// find the shortest dest points by minkowski
// if you've reached end, report success and bail!
// make n actors, n = # of shortest dest
// src = each member of shortest dest
// GOTO 1
val p = (0.1 to 2.0 by 0.1).toList
p.par.foreach( pp => new PathFinder( pp, leftTop, rightBottom, startCoord, finish, List(startCoord) ).start)
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