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Created July 22, 2014 22:40
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Von Mises Iteration
object VonMises extends App {
type Matrix = Seq[Seq[Double]]
type Vector = Seq[Double]
def dot(a:Vector, b:Vector) =>i._1 * i._2).sum // dot product aka inner product
def mult(m:Matrix, v:Vector) ={ row => dot(row,v) } // matrix vector multiplication
def l2(v:Vector) = math.sqrt({i=> i*i}.sum) // l2 norm of vector
def scale(v:Vector, c:Double) ={i=> i*c }
// computes the dominant eigen value and associated eigen vector via Von Mises Iteration aka Power Method
def vonMisesStep(guess:Vector, m:Matrix): (Double, Vector) = {
val result = mult(m,guess)
val eigen = l2(result)
(eigen, scale(result, 1.0/eigen)) // aka normalize matrix
// Goal : To compute dominant eigenvalue of symmetric matrix below
val symmetric = Seq(Seq(7.0,1,2,4), Seq(1,8.0,3,2), Seq(2,3,9.0,1), Seq(4,2,1,11.0))
val TOL = math.pow(10.0,-4) // error tolerance bound
// Guess the eigenvalue via Gershgorin ie. max(7 + (1+2+4), 8 + (1+3+2), 9+ (2+3+1), 11+ (4+2+1)) = 18
// Pick a random eigenVector say (1,1,1,1)
val (guessEigen, guessVector) = (18.0, Seq(1,1,1,1.0))
// Von Mises Iteration, given matrix A & vector x = Simply perform A*x/||A*x||, until convergence!
val result = (0 to 1000).foldLeft ((guessEigen, guessVector, true)) { (a,b) =>
val (guessEigen, guessVector, mustCompute) = a
if (mustCompute) {
val (eigen, eigenVector) = vonMisesStep(guessVector, symmetric)
println(eigen + "," + eigenVector)
(eigen, eigenVector, math.abs(eigen - guessEigen) > TOL)
} else a
val dominantEigen = result._1
$ scala VonMises
30.675723300355934,List(0.4563869566471659, 0.4563869566471659, 0.4889860249791063, 0.5867832299749276)
15.517396223184162,List(0.44957288727423744, 0.4348672320830241, 0.4684801582343689, 0.6239399416843389)
15.560849919731929,List(0.45078498683506496, 0.4229737537449112, 0.4526750706373084, 0.642628492762776)
15.575697549145609,List(0.4529063787774337, 0.41589515935272947, 0.44217572546413536, 0.6529836569929948)
15.58120866954994,List(0.4545556150298058, 0.4115574266397968, 0.4355286913681571, 0.6590253685691043)
15.583283578778744,List(0.4556552893981052, 0.40887735933059394, 0.43139605763295524, 0.6626424403319738)
15.584066422016377,List(0.4563524095138551, 0.4072202367310342, 0.42884504177773186, 0.6648353835877527)
15.584361852047207,List(0.45678602619839437, 0.4061969463984988, 0.4272748767017002, 0.6661732107687621)
15.58447334139543,List(0.4570537335609393, 0.40556600858884534, 0.4263095612624318, 0.6669919454472832)
15.584515414543533,List(0.4572185184006327, 0.40517746038230046, 0.4257163802158496, 0.6674938319157666)
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