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Last active October 2, 2020 00:00
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Using R from Scala
Step 0. You must have the latest & greatest version of R, and scala 2.10.1, for all of this to work.
Step 1. Download and unzip the MacOS X Binary jvmr_1.0.4.tgz from here:
Step 2. Create a lib folder, and copy jvmr_2.10-1.0.4.jar to that folder.
Step 3. Start R
Step 4. At the R console
Step 5. Start sbt version 2.10.1 in console mode like so -
$ sbt "++ 2.10.1" console
[info] Set current project to default-0844fb (in build file:/Users/kraman/workspace/jvmr/)
Setting version to 2.10.1
[info] Set current project to default-0844fb (in build file:/Users/kraman/workspace/jvmr/)
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_65).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> import org.ddahl.jvmr.RInScala
import org.ddahl.jvmr.RInScala
scala> val R = RInScala()
R: org.ddahl.jvmr.RInScala = org.ddahl.jvmr.RInScala@511192bd
// zscores : See
// zscore = number of standard deviations above the mean
// at 3 sigma, area under curve is 99% of distribution
// at -3 sigma, insignificant area, almost 0%
// at 0, exactly 50% area
scala> val zscores = -3.0 to 3.0 by 0.1
scala> def pvalue(zScore:Double) = R.toPrimitive[Double]("pnorm(%s,0,1)".format(zScore))
pvalue: (zScore: Double)Double
scala> zscores foreach { z=> printf("%.3f\t%.3f\n", z, pvalue(z)) }
-3.000 0.001
-2.900 0.002
-2.800 0.003
-2.700 0.003
-2.600 0.005
-2.500 0.006
-2.400 0.008
-2.300 0.011
-2.200 0.014
-2.100 0.018
-2.000 0.023
-1.900 0.029
-1.800 0.036
-1.700 0.045
-1.600 0.055
-1.500 0.067
-1.400 0.081
-1.300 0.097
-1.200 0.115
-1.100 0.136
-1.000 0.159
-0.900 0.184
-0.800 0.212
-0.700 0.242
-0.600 0.274
-0.500 0.309
-0.400 0.345
-0.300 0.382
-0.200 0.421
-0.100 0.460
0.000 0.500
0.100 0.540
0.200 0.579
0.300 0.618
0.400 0.655
0.500 0.691
0.600 0.726
0.700 0.758
0.800 0.788
0.900 0.816
1.000 0.841
1.100 0.864
1.200 0.885
1.300 0.903
1.400 0.919
1.500 0.933
1.600 0.945
1.700 0.955
1.800 0.964
1.900 0.971
2.000 0.977
2.100 0.982
2.200 0.986
2.300 0.989
2.400 0.992
2.500 0.994
2.600 0.995
2.700 0.997
2.800 0.997
2.900 0.998
3.000 0.999
def plot(x:List[Int], y:List[Double]) = R.apply("plot("+"c"+x.toString.substring(4)+",c"+y.toString.substring(4)+",xlab=\"\", ylab=\"\", type=\"b\", col=\"red\",main=\"graph\")")
val x = (1 to 100).toList
val y = i=> math.random * 100 + i )
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