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Last active April 25, 2017 22:30
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Took inspirtion from DigitalOcean REST APIs:


  • Use GET, POST, DELETE http verbs. No case for PUT.
  • Use JSON request/responses.
  • Auth happens using S3V4
  • if a boolean query paramenter is passed without value then the value is assumed to be true. For ex ?recursive is same as ?recursive=true

API Categories

Version, Service, Locks, Heal, Config


(Note that the request endpoint is not /minio/admin/v1/version)

Request: GET /minio/admin/version

Response Body:

   version: "1"

Client can use this endpoint to figure what REST API version the server is running so that it can use appropriate madmin version.



Request: POST /minio/admin/v1/service

Request Body:

   action: restart

Response Body: EMPTY



Request: POST /minio/admin/v1/service

Request Body: EMPTY

   action: stop

Response Body: EMPTY


Request : GET /minio/admin/v1/service

Request Body: EMPTY

Response Body:

      "status": "stop",
      "service": true,
      "uptime": 121369476533489


List locks

Request : GET /minio/admin/v1/locks?bucket=my-bucket&prefix=my-prefix&older-than=1231141

older-than is in seconds

Request Body: EMPTY

Response Body:

  "bucket": "my-bucket",
  "object": "my-prefix",
  "readLocks": 0,
  "writeLocks": 1,
  "lockOwners": [
      "id": "5236849b-9ef5-4258-93aa-6b6d7c57dcf1",
      "source": "[web-handlers.go:284:(*webAPIHandlers).RemoveObject.func1()] LockType:WLock Status:Blocked Since:2017-03-22 04:40:37.031610943 +0000 UTC Duration:63h58m31.901491283s}",
      "type": "WLock",
      "status": "Blocked",
      "since": "2017-03-22 04:25:43.415475148 +0000 UTC",
      "duration": 64h13m25.517627078s

Clear locks

Request: DELETE /minio/admin/v1/locks?bucket=my-bucket&prefix=my-prefix&older-than=1231141

older-than is in seconds

Request Body: EMPTY

Response Body:

  "bucket": "my-bucket",
  "object": "my-prefix",
  "readLocks": 0,
  "writeLocks": 1,
  "lockOwners": [
      "id": "5236849b-9ef5-4258-93aa-6b6d7c57dcf1",
      "source": "[web-handlers.go:284:(*webAPIHandlers).RemoveObject.func1()] LockType:WLock Status:Blocked Since:2017-03-22 04:40:37.031610943 +0000 UTC Duration:63h58m31.901491283s}",
      "type": "WLock",
      "status": "Blocked",
      "since": "2017-03-22 04:25:43.415475148 +0000 UTC",
      "duration": 64h13m25.517627078s


Heal initiate

Request: POST /minio/admin/v1/heal

Request body: { path: "testbucket/a/b" recursive: true, advanced: true, fake: true, healMultipart: true, remove: true }


  • path: bucket + prefix path
  • recursive: heal recursively
  • advanced: check bit rot
  • fake: dry run
  • healMultipart: heal uncommitted objects
  • remove: remove objects that can not be recovered

Response Body:

  healTaskID: "testbucket/a/b"

More detailed explanation:

Heal status

Request: GET /minio/admin/v1/heal/healTaskID

Example: GET /minio/admin/v1/heal/testbucket/a/b

Response Body:

  status: "running",
  objects: [
    {type: "minioMeta", metaFile: "format.json", disks: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]},
    {type: "bucket", bucketName: "testbucket", disks: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]},
    {type: "object", bucketName: "testbucket", objectName: "objectname1", disks: [1,2,4,6,7,8],
    {type: "object", bucketName: "testbucket", objectName: "objectname2", disks: [1,2,4,6,7,8],
    {type: "object", bucketName: "testbucket", objectName: "objectname3", disks: [1,2,4,6,7,8],
    {type: "multipart", bucketName: "testbucket", objectName: "objectname4", disks: [1,2,4,6,7,8],
    {type: "multipart", bucketName: "testbucket", objectName: "objectname5", disks: [1,2,4,6,7,8],

The list of objects healed is kept in a circular linked list of fixed length (FIFO).

After the heal task completes, the status will be "completed" and some information is kept in memory till a timeout so that clients can query the state of the heal task.

Heal Terminate

DELETE /minio/admin/v1/heal/healTaskID

Example: DELETE /minio/admin/v1/heal/testbucket/a/b

If the heal task is running then it will terminate it. If the heal task is completed then its reference is removed from the memory.


Get Config

Request: GET /minio/admin/v1/config

Request Body: EMPTY

Response Body:


Set Config

Request: POST /minio/admin/v1/config

Request body:


Response Body: EMPTY

Set credential

Request: POST /minio/admin/v1/config/credential

Request body:

    accessKey: ACCESS_KEY,
    secretKey: SECRET_KEY

Response Body: EMPTY

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krisis commented Apr 22, 2017

Having older-than is not useful because it applies to all the responses.

But it is still different for requests with different older-than values, right? It tells the caller that the locks listed or cleared have been held for longer than the duration in older-than parameter. In that sense it is useful.

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