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Last active February 1, 2024 11:02
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Word Search Puzzle - Position finder
//* Function to solve a word search puzzle
function wordSearch(board, words) {
board = => row.split(''));
//* Define the possible directions to move on the board
const directions = [
[-1, 0, '↑'], // up
[1, 0, '↓'], // down
[0, -1, '←'], // left
[0, 1, '→'], // right
const results = {};
//* Define a helper function to search for a word starting at a specific position
function search(x, y, word, index) {
//* If we have reached the end of the word, return true
if (index === word.length) return true;
//* If the current position is out of bounds or the character does not match, return false
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= board.length || y >= board[0].length || board[x][y].toLowerCase() !== word[index])
return false;
//* Mark the current position as visited
board[x][y] = '*';
//* Try each direction from the current position
for (let [dx, dy, direction] of directions) {
//* If we find the word in this direction, return the direction and the current position
if (search(x + dx, y + dy, word, index + 1)) {
return { direction, x, y };
//* If we didn't find the word, backtrack by resetting the current position and return false
board[x][y] = word[index];
return false;
//* For each word in the list
words.forEach((word) => {
//* Convert the word to lower case to make a case insensitive search
word = word.toLowerCase();
//* Try to find the word starting at each position on the board
const result = board.some((row, i) =>
row.some((_, j) => {
//* If we find the word, store the result and return true
const found = search(i, j, word, 0);
if (found) results[word] = found;
return found;
//* If we didn't find the word, store false in the results
if (!result) results[word] = false;
return results;
const board = [
console.log(wordSearch(board, ['OVER', 'LANE', 'REVO', 'ATSR', 'OLTI', 'SEAT', 'UNKNOWN', 'DRIVING']));
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krishnathota commented Feb 1, 2024


  over: { direction: '→', x: 4, y: 13 },
  lane: { direction: '↓', x: 9, y: 4 },
  revo: { direction: '←', x: 23, y: 4 },
  atsr: { direction: '↑', x: 13, y: 16 },
  olti: { direction: '←', x: 5, y: 16 },
  seat: { direction: '→', x: 7, y: 6 },
  unknown: false,
  driving: { direction: '→', x: 2, y: 3 }

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