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Created July 31, 2020 10:14
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################################### Method to Add Product to Group 'Add-ProductToGroup' ################################
function Add-NewAPI {
param ($ApiMgmtContext, $product, $api)
Write-Host "**************************** Add-NewAPI*******************************"
# Powershell returns API name value in API_Id field
$reverionSchemaFiles = (Get-ChildItem ../**/**.* -Recurse -filter $api.api_path)
if($reverionSchemaFiles.Count -gt 0)
$apiSpecificationPath = $reverionSchemaFiles[0].FullName;
Write-Error "[NEW API] Open API json (swagger) file $($api.api_path) not found "
write-host "[NEW API] Working on API json (swagger) file '$($apiSpecificationPath)' "
if ((Test-Path $apiSpecificationPath) -and $reverionSchemaFiles[0].Name.Contains($api.api_path))
$apiSpecification = Get-API -ApiMgmtContext $ApiMgmtContext -api $api #($ApiMgmtContext, $api);
# API Path is the sufix value which will be used
$requireToCreateNewApi = ($null -eq $apiSpecification)? $true : $false
$apiName = $api.api_name
$path = $api.sufix
$apiVersion = $api.api_version# "{ API Version}"
$currentApiVersion = $apiSpecification.ApiVersion
$currentApiRevision = $apiSpecification.ApiRevision
$apiRevision = $api.api_revision
$ApiId = $apiSpecification.ApiId
$displayName =$api.display_name
$etpmp = Get-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet -Context $ApiMgmtContext
foreach ($item in $etpmp) {
Remove-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet -Context $ApiMgmtContext `
-ApiVersionSetId $item.ApiVersionSetId `
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
if($true -eq $requireToCreateNewApi)
$importedApi = Add-NewApiVersion -ApiMgmtContext $ApiMgmtContext -apiName $apiName -displayName $displayName -path $path -apiVersion $currentApiVersion -apiSpecificationPath $apiSpecificationPath -serviceUrl $serviceUrl -revision $apiRevision
if( $null -ne $apiVersion -and ($currentApiVersion -ne $apiVersion))
$importedApi = Add-NewApiVersion -ApiMgmtContext $ApiMgmtContext -apiName $apiName -displayName $displayName -path $path -apiVersion $apiVersion -apiSpecificationPath $apiSpecificationPath -serviceUrl $serviceUrl -revision $apiRevision
if($null -ne $importedApi)
#Reset the variables only if a new API is imported of a Version of API is Imported
Write-Host "[SET API VARIABLE] Re-Setting the variable beacuse a new API is imported of a Version of API is Imported"
$ApiId = $importedApi.ApiId
if(($null -ne $apiRevision -and $apiRevision -ne "") -and ($currentApiRevision -ne $apiRevision))
Write-Host "[REVISION SET] Set API revision for API :: '$($apiSpecification.Name)' ...."
$newRevision = $apiRevision # [int]$apiSpecification.ApiRevision + 1;
# now lets create an api revision
$newApiRevisionParams = @{
Context = $ApiMgmtContext
ApiId = $ApiId
ApiRevision = $newRevision
SourceApiRevision = $apiSpecification.ApiRevision
Write-Host "[REVISION SET] create new API Revision for api: '$($apiSpecification.Name)' ...."
$newApiRevision = New-AzApiManagementApiRevision @newApiRevisionParams
# we make a new schema
$newApiManagementSchemaParams = @{
Context = $ApiMgmtContext
ApiId = $ApiId
SchemaDocumentContentType = "application/json"
SchemaDocumentFilePath = $apiSpecificationPath # this value is coming from input
Write-Host "[REVISION SET] create new API Schema for API: '$($apiSpecification.Name)' with new revision $newRevision"
New-AzApiManagementApiSchema @newApiManagementSchemaParams
# now lets create an api release for this revision
# without releasing the revision, no external
# consumer will be able to see the set revision
$newApiManagementApiReleaseParams = @{
Context = $ApiMgmtContext
ApiId = $ApiId
ApiRevision = $newApiRevision.ApiRevision
Write-Host "[REVISION SET] Release API: '$($apiSpecification.Name)' with new revision $newRevision"
New-AzApiManagementApiRelease @newApiManagementApiReleaseParams
Write-Host "[REVISION SET] API '$($apiSpecification.Name)' has revision $newRevision online now"
Write-Host "[API-PRODUCT-LINK] Associate API '$($apiSpecification.Name)' with product :: '$($product.product_title)'"
$addApiToProductParams = @{
Context = $ApiMgmtContext
ApiId = $ApiId
ProductId = $product.product_id
Write-Host "[API-PRODUCT-LINK] Adding API $($ApiId) to product: $($product.product_id) "
Add-AzApiManagementApiToProduct @addApiToProductParams
Write-Host "[API-PRODUCT-LINK] API $($ApiId) added to product: $($product.product_id) "
write-host "[NEW API] Api swagger file $($apiSpecificationPath) NOT FOUND "
return $apiSpecification
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