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Backup BigQuery Views and Scheduled Queries to a Git repository using Python. Full article on
# Author Krisjan Oldekamp /
# Email
# Article
import os
import git
import google.oauth2.service_account
from import bigquery
from import bigquery_datatransfer # Also enable the Data Transfer API in the GCP console
# Settings
LOCAL_PATH_BACKUP = "./gcp-bigquery-sql-backup/" # Backup directory (end with a trailing /). When REPO_COMMIT is set to True, this folder will also be used to clone and commit to the Git repository
REPO_COMMIT = True # When set to True, the script will clone the Git repository specified in the REPO_LINK setting. Then it will delete all the folders in the repo, download the latest version of the views and scheduled queries to the repo and commits the changes.
REPO_LINK = "" # Repository link
REPO_KEY_PATH = "../.ssh/..." # Path to SSH private key used for authentication with the repository. Leave empty when not using an SSH key.
GCP_JSON_KEYPATH = "your-keyfile.json" # Path to JSON keyfile for Service Account
# You can specify multiple projects. The location / region is required for downloading scheduled query SQL.
"project_id": "your-gcp-project-id",
"location": "europe" # See the "region" column in the GCP scheduled query interface
# End of settings
# Authenticate use a Service account / JSON keyfile
def get_credentials(keyfile_json):
return (
google.oauth2.service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(keyfile_json, scopes=scopes)
# Format scheduled query name so it can be used in a filename
def format_name(name):
return name.lower().replace(" ", "_")
# Push commit to repository
def git_push_commit(repo, repo_key_path, repo_local_path):
if repo_key_path == "":
repo.index.commit("Automated commit containing changes to BigQuery views and scheduled queries.")
with git.Git().custom_environment(GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i " + repo_key_path):
repo.index.commit("Automated commit containing changes to BigQuery views and scheduled queries.")
print("Some error occured while pushing the commit")
# Save Google BigQuery views to local filesystem
def save_bigquery_views(credentials, project_id, path):
client_bq = bigquery.Client(credentials=credentials, project=project_id)
datasets = list(client_bq.list_datasets())
cnt_views = 0
# Loop datasets
if datasets:
for dataset in datasets:
dataset_name = dataset.dataset_id
dataset_ref = dataset.reference
tables = list(client_bq.list_tables(dataset_ref))
# Loop tables in dataset
for table in tables:
# Only select VIEW
if table.table_type == "VIEW":
table_name = table.table_id
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(table_name)
table = client_bq.get_table(table_ref)
backup_directory = path + project_id + "/bq_views/" + dataset_name
if not os.path.exists(backup_directory):
os.makedirs(backup_directory) # Create directory when it doesn't exist
# Save view SQL to file
f = open(backup_directory + "/" + table_name + ".sql", "w+") # Save view SQL to file
return cnt_views
# Save Google BigQuery scheduled queries to local filesystem
def save_bigquery_scheduled_queries(credentials, project_id, location, path):
client_bq_df = bigquery_datatransfer.DataTransferServiceClient(credentials=credentials)
parent = "projects/{}/locations/{}".format(project_id, location)
cnt_scheduled_queries = 0
# Loop all Data Transfer elements in project
for element in client_bq_df.list_transfer_configs(parent):
scheduled_query_name = format_name(element.display_name)
scheduled_query_sql = ""
# Loop over Data Transfer parameters, select scheduled queries and get query SQL
params = element.params.items()
for key, value in params:
if key == "query":
scheduled_query_sql = value
backup_directory = path + project_id + "/bq_scheduled_queries/"
if not os.path.exists(backup_directory): # Create directory when it doesn't exist
# Write to file
f = open(backup_directory + "/" + scheduled_query_name + ".sql", "w+")
return cnt_scheduled_queries
def execute():
credentials = get_credentials(GCP_JSON_KEYPATH)
print ("Found {} GCP projects in settings".format(len(GCP_PROJECTS_BACKUP)))
# Clone repository if Git commits are enabled
print("Git commits enabled. Cloning repository {} to {}".format(REPO_LINK, LOCAL_PATH_BACKUP))
# Delete folder / repository when existing
if os.path.exists(LOCAL_PATH_BACKUP):
if REPO_KEY_PATH == "":
repo = git.Repo.clone_from(REPO_LINK, LOCAL_PATH_BACKUP)
repo = git.Repo.clone_from(REPO_LINK, LOCAL_PATH_BACKUP, env={"GIT_SSH_COMMAND": "ssh -i " + REPO_KEY_PATH}) # Use SSH key
# Remove old backups in repository
repo_dirs = next(os.walk(LOCAL_PATH_BACKUP))[1]
for dir in repo_dirs:
if not dir.startswith("."):
git.rmtree(os.path.join(LOCAL_PATH_BACKUP, dir))
# Only download to local filesystem. Create directory when it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(LOCAL_PATH_BACKUP):
# Loop through GCP project and save views and scheduled queries
for i, project in enumerate(GCP_PROJECTS_BACKUP):
print ("-- Starting backup for project: {}".format(project["project_id"]))
views = save_bigquery_views(
print("# {} views saved..".format(views))
scheduled_queries = save_bigquery_scheduled_queries(
credentials, project["project_id"],
print("# {} scheduled queries saved..".format(scheduled_queries))
# Push code to remote repository
git_push_commit(repo, REPO_KEY_PATH, LOCAL_PATH_BACKUP)
print("Pushed code to repository..")
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richardbiddle commented Nov 29, 2021

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@richardbiddle You're completely right, updated the snippet.

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cgrinham commented May 6, 2022

Thanks @krisjan-oldekamp works perfectly

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normwarren commented May 17, 2022

Hi. I get this error -- TypeError: Invalid constructor input for ListTransferConfigsRequest: 'projects/myproject/locations/us-central1'.
I know that I am entering the correct inputs for project/location. I can transfer Views, but get the error for scheduled queries.

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@normwarren I came across the same error message. I found the solution in stackoverflow:

It seems that client_bq_df.list_transfer_configs(parent) is expecting infromation about the project and location in the format of a dictionary instead of a string.

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rich-ard commented Dec 12, 2022

Following up on @miguel-graindata's comment: replace line 99 with:

parent = dict(parent= "projects/{}/locations/{}".format(project_id, location))

...and it works

(edited to write a better fix than I had)

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Have gone a step further - my forked gist for this backs up stored procedures as well, if that's useful to anyone!

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