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Last active July 4, 2019 12:44
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Sentry and Rocketchat
class Script {
process_incoming_request({ request }) {
if(request.content.event.request == undefined) { url = 'n/a' } else { url = request.content.event.request.url }
return {
text: "[" + request.content.message + "](" + request.content.url + ")",
attachments: [
collapsed: false,
title: "Culprit",
text: request.content.culprit,
color: "red",
fields: [
short: true,
title: "Project",
value: request.content.project_name
short: true,
title: "Level",
value: request.content.level
short: true,
title: "Environment",
value: request.content.event.environment
short: true,
title: "Server",
value: url
username: 'Rocket.Cat'
project_name: 'Dolly',
message: 'This is an example Python exception',
id: '1083661128',
culprit: 'raven.scripts.runner in main',
project_slug: 'dolly',
url: '<SNIP>/issues/1083661128/?referrer=webhooks_plugin',
level: 'error',
triggering_rules: [],
"event": {
stacktrace: { frames: [Object] },
extra: { emptyList: [], unauthorized: false, emptyMap: {}, url: '', results: [Object], length: 10837790, session: [Object] }, modules: { 'my.package': '1.0.0' },
_ref_version: 2,
_ref: 1488826,
id: 62093257713,
culprit: 'raven.scripts.runner in main',
title: 'This is an example Python exception',
event_id: 'c147251e983940ca92e383608090c3e8',
environment: 'prod',
platform: 'python',
version: '5',
location: null,
template: { abs_path: '/srv/example/templates/debug_toolbar/base.html', pre_context: [Object], post_context: [Object], filename: 'debug_toolbar/base.html', lineno: 14, context_line: ' data-store-id="{{ toolbar.store_id }}" data-render-panel-url="{% url \'djdt:render_panel\' %}"<br>' },
logger: '',
type: 'default',
metadata: { title: 'This is an example Python exception' },
tags: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
timestamp: 1561969991.347,
user: { username: 'sentry', name: 'Sentry', ip_address: '', email: '', geo: [Object], id: '1' },
fingerprint: [ '{{ default }}' ],
hashes: [ 'c4a4d06bc314205bb3b6bdb612dde7f1' ],
received: 1561969991.347,
level: 'error',
contexts: { os: [Object], browser: [Object] },
request: { cookies: [Object], url: '', headers: [Object], env: [Object], fragment: null, query_string: [Object], data: [Object], method: 'GET', inferred_content_type: 'application/json' },
logentry: { message: null, params: null, formatted: 'This is an example Python exception' }
project: 'dolly',
logger: null
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