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Created February 13, 2011 03:01
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Save kristi/824383 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
.zshrc file (from cygwin)
# The following lines were added by compinstall
zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/kristi/.zshrc'
autoload -Uz compinit
# End of lines added by compinstall
setopt appendhistory
unsetopt beep
setopt autocd
alias .='cd ../'
alias ..='cd ../../'
alias ...='cd ../../../'
alias ....='cd ../../../../'
alias ls='ls --color'
alias la='ls -alh'
alias ll='la -lh'
alias -g L='|less -r'
alias -g H='|head'
alias -g T='|tail'
alias gr='grep -IRn --color=always --exclude-dir=.{svn,git,hg}'
pathmunge () {
if ! echo $PATH | /bin/egrep -q "(^|:)$1($|:)" ; then
if [ "$2" = "after" ] ; then
pathmunge "/home/kristi/bin"
export PATH
export CDPATH='.:..:../..:../../..:/cygdrive/c/Users/kristi/My Documents/:/cygdrive/c/Users/kristi/:/cygdrive/c/Users/kristi/Downloads/'
bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line # home
bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line # end
bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char
bindkey "^[3;5~" delete-char
bindkey '\e[A' history-search-backward
bindkey '\e[B' history-search-forward
bindkey '^K' kill-whole-line
#autoload zkbd
#[[ ! -f ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zkbd/$TERM-$VENDOR-$OSTYPE ]] && zkbd
#[[ -n ${key[Backspace]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Backspace]}" backward-delete-char
#[[ -n ${key[Insert]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Insert]}" overwrite-mode
#[[ -n ${key[Home]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Home]}" beginning-of-line
#[[ -n ${key[PageUp]} ]] && bindkey "${key[PageUp]}" up-line-or-history
#[[ -n ${key[Delete]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Delete]}" delete-char
#[[ -n ${key[End]} ]] && bindkey "${key[End]}" end-of-line
#[[ -n ${key[PageDown]} ]] && bindkey "${key[PageDown]}" down-line-or-history
#[[ -n ${key[Up]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Up]}" up-line-or-search
#[[ -n ${key[Left]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Left]}" backward-char
#[[ -n ${key[Down]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Down]}" down-line-or-search
#[[ -n ${key[Right]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Right]}" forward-char
case "$TERM" in
bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line # End
bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Del
bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert
# In Linux console
bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line # End
bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Del
bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert
bindkey '\e[7~' beginning-of-line # home
bindkey '\e[8~' end-of-line # end
# In rxvt
bindkey '\eOc' forward-word # ctrl cursor right
bindkey '\eOd' backward-word # ctrl cursor left
bindkey '\e[3~' backward-delete-char # This should not be necessary!
bindkey '\e[7~' beginning-of-line # home
bindkey '\e[8~' end-of-line # end
bindkey '\eOc' forward-word # ctrl cursor right
bindkey '\eOd' backward-word # ctrl cursor left
bindkey '\e[3~' backward-delete-char # This should not be necessary!
bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert
bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line # End
bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Del
bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert
bindkey '\e[214z' beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey '\e[220z' end-of-line # End
bindkey '^J' delete-char # Del
bindkey '^H' backward-delete-char # Backspace
bindkey '\e[247z' overwrite-mode # Insert
bindkey '\e[1;5C' forward-word # ctrl cursor right
bindkey '\e[1;5D' backward-word # ctrl cursor left
bindkey '^?' backward-delete-word # ctrl backspace
bindkey '^[[3;5~' delete-word # ctrl delete
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