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Created August 1, 2012 03:15
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ATV Screensavers

The Apple TV has some nice pictures for screensavers, but there's only about ~20 on average for each screensaver set. Luckily, with a jailbroken Apple TV, we can replace them pretty easily.

The screensaver images are located at /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/Default[Album]Photos. I like SFTP'ing in with Cyberduck.

There are multiple screensaver sets — if you have a set you like the least (maybe "FlowerPhotos"?), replace those.

The files are in a pretty basic format:


Keep in mind the Apple TV has 8GB internal storage. As far as I know, it's pretty hard to come close to that with screensaver sets (EDIT: see below). Looking for a good collection? FiftyFootShadows has a nice collection of Retina iPad wallpapers that look great (the ATV scales photos automatically for wallpapers).

EDIT If you're feeling particularly savvy, SSH into your ATV and run df -h. You'll see something like this.

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/disk0s1s1  681M  598M   76M  89% /
devfs            26K   26K     0 100% /dev
/dev/disk0s1s2  6.8G  417M  6.4G   7% /private/var

The top one (/) is the one you want. At 40 images, it fills up to about 90%. Currently trying to fix this, I'll tweet this again if I find a good solution.

Go forth and do hackery.


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