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Last active December 28, 2015 00:59
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CHICKEN glls example on android
(use sdl2 miscmacros (prefix opengl-glew gl:) glls-render gl-utils gl-math)
;; unhappy REPL on Android? (import (prefix opengl-glew gl:))
(define window (create-window! "sokoworld" 0 0 640 480 '(resizable opengl)))
(gl-attribute-set! 'context-major-version 3)
(gl-attribute-set! 'context-minor-version 0)
(gl-create-context! window)
(define rect (make-mesh vertices: '(attributes: ((position #:float 2)
(color #:unsigned-byte 3
normalized: #t))
initial-elements: ((position . (-1 -1
1 -1
1 1
-1 1))
(color . (1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 1))))
indices: '(type: #:ushort
initial-elements: (0 1 2
0 2 3))))
(define projection-matrix (mat4-identity #t))
(define view-matrix (mat4-identity #t))
;; reset it all:
;; (mat4-identity projection-matrix) (mat4-identity view-matrix)
(define (update-view-matrix!)
(receive (w h) (window-size window)
(define aspect (/ w h))
(define s 1.5) (define -s -1.5)
(ortho-viewport (* -s aspect) (* s aspect) -s s ;; lrbt
-1 1 ;; near far
-1 1 -1 1 ;; lrbt viewport
;;; Pipeline definition
(define-pipeline simple-shader
((#:vertex version: 300
input: ((position #:vec2) (color #:vec3))
uniform: ((projection #:mat4) (view #:mat4))
output: ((c #:vec3)))
(define (main) #:void
;;(set! model (vec4 1))
(set! gl:position (* projection view (vec4 position 0.0 1.0)))
(set! c color)))
((#:fragment version: 300
input: ((c (highp #:vec3)))
output: ((frag-color (highp #:vec4))))
(define (main) #:void
(set! frag-color (vec4 0 (.. c x) 1 1)))))
(compile-pipeline simple-shader)
(set! renderable
(make-simple-shader-renderable mesh: rect
projection: projection-matrix
view: view-matrix)))
(define renderable #f)
(define (render)
(unless (mesh-vao rect)
;;(compile-pipeline simple-shader) ;; <-- needed for OpenGL ES?
(mesh-make-vao! rect (pipeline-mesh-attributes simple-shader) #:stream)
(set! renderable (make-simple-shader-renderable mesh: rect
view: view-matrix
projection: projection-matrix)))
(rotate-z 0.01 view-matrix)
(render-simple-shader renderable))
(define (handle event)
(case (event-type event)
(receive (w h) (window-size window)
(gl:viewport 0 0 w h)
(else (print "unhandled " event))))
(define (core-iteration)
(while* (poll-event!) (handle it))
(gl-swap-window! window)
(gl:clear (bitwise-ior gl:+color-buffer-bit+))
(define frame 0)
;; (thread-state game-thread)
(begin (handle-exceptions e void (thread-terminate! game-thread))
(define game-thread
(lambda ()
(let loop ((n 0)
(t (current-milliseconds)))
;;(thread-sleep! 0.2)
(cond ((> (- (current-milliseconds) t) 2000)
(set! fps (inexact->exact (round (/ n (/ (- (current-milliseconds) t) 1000)))))
(set! t (current-milliseconds))
(set! n 0)))
(set! frame (add1 frame))
(loop (add1 n) t)))))
(thread-quantum-set! game-thread 500000))
(use sdl2 miscmacros (prefix opengl-glew gl:) glls-render gl-utils gl-math)
;; unhappy REPL on Android? (import (prefix opengl-glew gl:))
(define window (create-window! "sokoworld" 0 0 640 480 '(resizable opengl)))
(gl-attribute-set! 'context-major-version 3)
(gl-attribute-set! 'context-minor-version 0)
(gl-create-context! window)
(define rect (make-mesh vertices: '(attributes: ((position #:float 2)
(color #:unsigned-byte 3
normalized: #t))
initial-elements: ((position . (-1 -1
1 -1
1 1
-1 1))
(color . (1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 1))))
indices: '(type: #:ushort
initial-elements: (0 1 2
0 2 3))))
;;; Matrices
(define projection-matrix
(perspective 640 480 0.1 100 70))
(define mvp (ortho-viewport -1 1 -1 1
0.1 10
0 600 0 400
(define view-matrix
(look-at (make-point 1 0 3)
(make-point 0 0 0)
(make-point 0 1 0)))
(define model-matrix (mat4-identity))
(define mvp (m* projection-matrix
(m* view-matrix model-matrix)
#t ; Matrix should be in a non-GC'd area
;;; Pipeline definition
(define-pipeline simple-shader
((#:vertex version: 300
input: ((position #:vec2) (color #:vec3))
uniform: ((mvp #:mat4))
output: ((c #:vec3)))
(define (main) #:void
(set! gl:position (* mvp (vec4 position 0.0 1.0)))
(set! c color)))
((#:fragment version: 300
input: ((c (highp #:vec3)))
output: ((frag-color (highp #:vec4))))
(define (main) #:void
(set! frag-color (vec4 c 1)))))
(compile-pipeline simple-shader))
(define renderable #f)
(define (render)
(unless (mesh-vao rect)
;;(compile-pipeline simple-shader) ;; <-- needed for OpenGL ES?
(mesh-make-vao! rect (pipeline-mesh-attributes simple-shader) #:stream)
(set! renderable (make-simple-shader-renderable mesh: rect mvp: mvp)))
(rotate-z 0.001 mvp)
(render-simple-shader renderable))
(define (handle event)
(case (event-type event)
(receive (w h) (window-size window)
(gl:viewport 0 0 w h)))
(else (print "unhandled " event))))
(define (core-iteration)
(while* (poll-event!) (handle it))
(gl-swap-window! window)
(gl:clear-color 1 0 1 1)
(gl:clear (bitwise-ior gl:+color-buffer-bit+))
(define frame 0)
;; (thread-state game-thread)
(begin (handle-exceptions e void (thread-terminate! game-thread))
(define game-thread
(lambda ()
(let loop ((n 0)
(t (current-milliseconds)))
;;(thread-sleep! 0.05)
(cond ((> (- (current-milliseconds) t) 2000)
(set! fps (inexact->exact (round (/ n (/ (- (current-milliseconds) t) 1000)))))
(set! t (current-milliseconds))
(set! n 0)))
(set! frame (add1 frame))
(loop (add1 n) t)))))
(thread-quantum-set! game-thread 500000))
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I got this working on my Nexus 4 and Nexus 9. It's a little rough around the edges, but a lot of stuff is working!

  • opengl-glew, gl-utils, gl-math and glls seem to be working very well!
  • we need newer NDK releases for platform-19 so we can get OpenGL ES 3
  • nrepl is working in the background and OpenGL is surprisingly robust! I've rarely had to restart even though I make mistakes a lot.

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