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Created January 2, 2024 20:43
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s-expression constant folding experiment
(import test matchable)
;; how to turn
`(* 2 (+ x 3 (+ 4 10)) y 10)
;; into `(* 20 (+ 17 x ) y) ?
`(+ (+ 1 2 x) (+ 3 4 x) 5) =>
`(+ 15 x x)
(define (constant? x)
(or (number? x)
(string? x)
(boolean? x)))
(define (cfold x env)
;;(print "folding " x)
(match x
((? number?) x)
((? symbol?)
(cond ((assoc x env) => (lambda (pair)
;;(print " sy " pair)
(cdr pair)))
(else x)))
(('- num)
(let ((num (cfold num env)))
(cond ((number? num) #;(print " cp " (- num)) (- num))
(else (error `(- ,num))))))
(('- num rest ...)
(cfold `(+ ,num ,@(map (lambda (x) `(- ,x)) rest)) env))
(('/ a b)
(let ((a (cfold a env))
(b (cfold b env)))
(if (and (number? a)
(number? b))
(/ a b)
`(/ ,a ,b))))
(((and fn (or '+ '*)) rest ...)
(let loop ((x rest)
(u '())
(k (cond ((eq? fn '+) 0)
((eq? fn '*) 1))))
;;(print "x: " x " u:" u " k:" k " ")
(if (pair? x)
(let ((e (cfold (car x) env)))
;; flatten nested +
((and (pair? e)
(eq? fn (car e)))
;;(print " fl " e)
(loop (append (cdr e) (cdr x))
u k))
;; handle constant
((number? e)
(loop (cdr x)
( (cond ((eq? '+ fn) +)
((eq? '* fn) *)) e k)))
(loop (cdr x)
(cons e u)
(if (pair? u)
;; nonconstants present
(cons fn (cons k u))
;; only constants
(('> a b)
(let ((a (cfold a env))
(b (cfold b env)))
(if (and (constant? a)
(constant? b))
(> a b)
`(> ,a ,b))))
(('if test then else)
(let ((test (cfold test env))
(then (cfold then env))
(else (cfold else env)))
(cond ((eq? #t test) then)
((eq? #f test) else)
(else `(if ,test ,then ,else)))))
(('let* () body)
(cfold body env))
(('let* ((variable value) lets ...) body ...)
(let ((value (cfold value env)))
;;(print " == " variable " : " value)
(cfold `(let* ,lets ,@body)
(cons (cons variable value) env))))
(('let* () body ...)
(error "only single-form let* body supported"))
(else (error "TODO don't know how to fold" x))))
(test 10 (cfold 10 '()))
(test 111 (cfold `(+ 1 10 100) '()))
(test 330 (cfold `(+ 20 200 (+ 10 100)) '()))
(test `(+ 0 x) (cfold `(+ x) '()))
(test `(+ 15 x x)
(cfold `(+ (+ 1 2 x) (+ 3 4 x) 5) '()))
;; example problem ported from
;; from
(test "big example from wikipedia"
` (let* ((a 30)
(b (- 9 (/ a 5))) ;; TODO + => -
(c (* b 4))
(c (if (> c 10)
(- c 10) ;; TODO + => -
(* c (/ 60 a)))
;; TODO: ensure constants is first argument.
(match '(+ 0 (+ 1 x) (+ 2 x))
(('+ A a ... ('+ B b ...))
(list A B)))
;; can we do anything here?
`(* i (+ (* a b) (* c d))) =>
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