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Last active September 29, 2022 12:06
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Execute SSRS Subscription Manually
/*Execute SSRS Subscription Manually*/
USE ReportServer
S.ScheduleID AS SQLAgent_Job_Name
,SUB.Description AS Sub_Desc
,SUB.DeliveryExtension AS Sub_Del_Extension
,C.Name AS ReportName
,C.Path AS ReportPath
FROM ReportSchedule RS (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN Schedule S (NOLOCK) ON (RS.ScheduleID = S.ScheduleID)
INNER JOIN Subscriptions SUB (NOLOCK) ON (RS.SubscriptionID = SUB.SubscriptionID)
INNER JOIN [Catalog] C (NOLOCK) ON (RS.ReportID = C.ItemID AND SUB.Report_OID = C.ItemID)
C.Name like '' --Enter Report Name to find Job_Name
/*Enter SQLAgent_Job_Name to execute the subscription based on Job ID*/
--USE msdb
--EXEC sp_start_job @job_name = '' --Enter SQLAgent_Job_Name
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