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Created May 25, 2022 09:11
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Create plot with plotly.js and the data is provided by the Flask back-end
Plotly.js barchart
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4" style="outline:1px solid black;">
<strong>Day-ahead prices</strong>
<div id="chart" class="container col-12"></div>
<script src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Getting the data from Flask session
let x = {{session['da_dates']|safe}};
let y = {{session['da_prices']|safe}};
var trace1 = {
x: x,
y: y,
type: 'scatter',
line: {shape: 'hv'},
mode: 'lines',
name: 'Day-ahead prices',
marker: {
color: 'Black',
var data = [trace1];
var layout = {
yaxis: {
showline: false,
showgrid: true,
xaxis: {
ticklabeloverflow: "allow",
tickangle: 0,
dtick: 3,
tick0: 1,
plot_bgcolor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
margin: {
showlegend: false,
height: 250,
font: {
hoverlabel: {
font: {
var config = {
responsive: true,
displayModeBar: false,
Plotly.newPlot('chart', data, layout, config);
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