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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Null-coalescing operator for Swift
// "A !|| B" returns unwrapped value of A if it is not nil, or B if it is
operator infix !|| { associativity left }
func !|| <T>(lhs: T?, rhs: T) -> T {
if let unwrappedValue = lhs {
return unwrappedValue;
} else {
return rhs;
let dic = [1:"One", 2:"Two", 3:"Three"]
dic[1] !|| "missing" // "One"
dic[4] !|| "missing" // "missing"
dic[4] !|| dic[5] !|| "missing" // "missing"
dic[4] !|| dic[2] !|| "missing" // "Two"
var x: Int?
x !|| 99 // 99
x = 1
x !|| 99 // 1
x = nil
x !|| 99 // 99
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