- Detailed Cheatsheet: http://danielkummer.github.io/git-flow-cheatsheet/
- Command-line Arguments Reference: https://github.com/nvie/gitflow/wiki/Command-Line-Arguments
- git-flow Home: https://github.com/nvie/gitflow
git flow init -d
(Omit -d
if you want to select values other than the defaults.)
This creates a new branch based on develop
and switches to it:
git flow feature start FEATURENAME
This merges the feature into develop
, removes the feature branch, and switches to develop
git flow feature finish FEATURENAME
Push a feature branch to remote repository:
git flow feature publish FEATURENAME
Get a feature published by another user from remote repository:
git flow feature pull origin FEATURENAME
Create release branch from develop
git flow release start RELEASENAME
Publish release branch:
git flow release publish RELEASENAME
Create a local tracking branch for a remote release:
git flow release track RELEASENAME
Merge release branch into master
, tag it, merge back into develop
, and remove the release branch:
git flow release finish RELEASENAME
git push --tags
Create hotfix branch from master
git flow hotfix start VERSIONNAME
Create hotfix branch from some other commit:
git flow hotfix start VERSIONNAME BASENAME
Merge hotfix back into develop and master, and tag:
git flow hotfix finish VERSIONNAME