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Last active June 21, 2018 00:41
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Swift 3: Command-line options and arguments parser
import Foundation
extension Array {
/// Returns a new `Array` made by appending a given element to the `Array`.
func appending(_ newElement: Element) -> Array {
var a = Array(self)
return a
extension String {
/// Returns substring starting from given numeric index to the end of the string.
func substring(fromNumericIndex numericIndex: Int) -> String {
return self.substring(from: self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: numericIndex))
/// Possible types of values for command options.
public enum CommandLineOptionValueType {
case noValue
case string(String)
/// The value associated with a command option.
public enum CommandLineOptionValue: CustomStringConvertible {
case noValue
case string(String)
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .noValue:
return "(no value)"
case .string(let s):
return "\"\(s)\""
/// Describes a possible command-line option.
public struct CommandLineOptionDefinition: CustomStringConvertible {
public let name: String
public let letter: Character?
public let valueType: CommandLineOptionValueType
public let briefHelp: String
public init(name: String, letter: Character, valueType: CommandLineOptionValueType, briefHelp: String) { = name
self.letter = letter
self.valueType = valueType
self.briefHelp = briefHelp
public init(name: String, valueType: CommandLineOptionValueType, briefHelp: String) { = name
self.letter = nil
self.valueType = valueType
self.briefHelp = briefHelp
public var description: String {
return "\(helpName) (\(valueType)) \(briefHelp)"
/// Return the option name as it should be displayed in descriptions.
/// If there is a letter, then the result is "-letter/--name". Otherwise
/// the result is just "--name".
public var helpName: String {
if let letter = letter {
return "-\(letter)/--\(name)"
else {
return "--\(name)"
/// Return a description of the option syntax.
/// Returns a string like "-o, --option" or "-o ARG, --option=ARG".
public var helpSyntax: String {
switch valueType {
case .noValue:
if let letter = letter {
return "-\(letter), --\(name)"
else {
return "=-\(name)"
case .string(let argName):
if let letter = letter {
return "-\(letter) \(argName), --\(name)=\(argName)"
else {
return "=-\(name)=\(argName)"
/// Print help for a set of option definitions.
public func printHelp(optionDefinitions: [CommandLineOptionDefinition], firstColumnWidth: Int = 40) {
func paddedColumn(_ s: String) -> String {
return s.padding(toLength: firstColumnWidth, withPad: " ", startingAt: 0)
for optionDefinition in optionDefinitions {
print(String(format: "%@ %@",
/// Print help for a set of option definitions to a specified output stream.
public func printHelp<Target: TextOutputStream>(
optionDefinitions: [CommandLineOptionDefinition],
to outputStream: inout Target,
firstColumnWidth: Int = 40)
func paddedColumn(_ s: String) -> String {
return s.padding(toLength: firstColumnWidth, withPad: " ", startingAt: 0)
for optionDefinition in optionDefinitions {
print(String(format: "%@ %@",
to: &outputStream)
/// A parsed command line option.
public struct CommandLineOption: CustomStringConvertible {
public let definition: CommandLineOptionDefinition
public let value: CommandLineOptionValue
public var description: String {
return "\(definition.helpName) \(value)"
/// Errors thrown by `CommandLineParseResult` initializer.
public enum CommandLineParseError: Error, CustomStringConvertible {
case unimplementedFeature(String)
case undefinedOption(String)
case missingOptionParameter(String)
case invalidArgumentSyntax(String)
case valueNotAllowed(String)
case missingValue(String)
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .unimplementedFeature(let name):
return "unimplemented feature: \(name)"
case .undefinedOption(let name):
return "undefined option \"\(name)\""
case .missingOptionParameter(let name):
return "missing value for option \"\(name)\""
case .invalidArgumentSyntax(let message):
return "invalid argument syntax: \(message)"
case .valueNotAllowed(let name):
return "value not allowed for option: \(name)"
case .missingValue(let name):
return "argument required for option: \(name)"
/// Result of parsing a command line.
public struct CommandLineParseResult {
/// Arguments passed to the initializer.
public let arguments: [String]
/// Option definitions passed to the initializer.
public let optionDefinitions: [CommandLineOptionDefinition]
/// The first argument (or `nil` if no arguments were given).
public let program: String?
/// Option arguments.
public let parsedOptions: [CommandLineOption]
/// Non-option arguments.
public let parsedArguments: [String]
public init(arguments: [String], optionDefinitions: [CommandLineOptionDefinition]) throws {
self.arguments = arguments
self.optionDefinitions = optionDefinitions
var iterator = arguments.makeIterator()
self.program =
(self.parsedOptions, self.parsedArguments) = try CommandLineParseResult.parse(
iterator: &iterator,
optionDefinitions: optionDefinitions,
accumulatedOptions: [],
accumulatedArguments: [])
/// Return the parsed option with the given name, or `nil` if it was not present.
public func option(named name: String) -> CommandLineOption? {
return parsedOptions.first { $ == name }
/// Return the value of the parsed option with the given name, or `nil` if it was not present.
public func value(optionNamed name: String) -> CommandLineOptionValue? {
return option(named: name)?.value
/// Return `true` if an option with the specified name was parsed, or `false` otherwise.
public func isPresent(optionNamed name: String) -> Bool {
if let _ = option(named: name) {
return true
else {
return false
private static func parse<StringIterator: IteratorProtocol>(
iterator: inout StringIterator,
optionDefinitions: [CommandLineOptionDefinition],
accumulatedOptions: [CommandLineOption],
accumulatedArguments: [String]
) throws -> ([CommandLineOption], [String])
where StringIterator.Element == String
guard let argument = else {
return (accumulatedOptions, accumulatedArguments)
if argument.hasPrefix("--") && argument.characters.count > 2 {
let (name, value) = try parseNameAndValue(argument.substring(fromNumericIndex: 2))
if let matchingDefinition = optionDefinitions.first(where: { name == $ }) {
switch matchingDefinition.valueType {
case .noValue:
// --option
if value != nil {
throw CommandLineParseError.valueNotAllowed(argument)
let option = CommandLineOption(definition: matchingDefinition,
value: .noValue)
return try parse(
iterator: &iterator,
optionDefinitions: optionDefinitions,
accumulatedOptions: accumulatedOptions.appending(option),
accumulatedArguments: accumulatedArguments)
case .string:
if let value = value {
// --option=VALUE
let option = CommandLineOption(definition: matchingDefinition,
value: .string(value))
return try parse(
iterator: &iterator,
optionDefinitions: optionDefinitions,
accumulatedOptions: accumulatedOptions.appending(option),
accumulatedArguments: accumulatedArguments)
else if let value = {
// --option VALUE
let option = CommandLineOption(definition: matchingDefinition,
value: .string(value))
return try parse(
iterator: &iterator,
optionDefinitions: optionDefinitions,
accumulatedOptions: accumulatedOptions.appending(option),
accumulatedArguments: accumulatedArguments)
else {
throw CommandLineParseError.missingValue(argument)
else {
throw CommandLineParseError.undefinedOption(argument)
if argument.hasPrefix("-") && argument.characters.count > 1 {
let letters = argument.substring(fromNumericIndex: 1)
var options: [CommandLineOption] = []
var skipRemainingLetters = false
for (n, letter) in letters.characters.enumerated() {
if skipRemainingLetters {
if let matchingDefinition = optionDefinitions.first(where: { letter == $0.letter }) {
switch matchingDefinition.valueType {
case .noValue:
// -o
options.append(CommandLineOption(definition: matchingDefinition,
value: .noValue))
case .string:
if n != 0 {
throw CommandLineParseError.invalidArgumentSyntax("-\(letter) cannot be grouped with other options because it requires an argument")
else if letters.characters.count > 1 {
// -oVALUE
let value = letters.substring(fromNumericIndex: 1)
skipRemainingLetters = true
options.append(CommandLineOption(definition: matchingDefinition,
value: .string(value)))
else if let value = {
// -o VALUE
options.append(CommandLineOption(definition: matchingDefinition,
value: .string(value)))
else {
throw CommandLineParseError.missingValue("-\(letter)")
else {
throw CommandLineParseError.undefinedOption(argument)
return try parse(
iterator: &iterator,
optionDefinitions: optionDefinitions,
accumulatedOptions: accumulatedOptions + options,
accumulatedArguments: accumulatedArguments)
return try parse(
iterator: &iterator,
optionDefinitions: optionDefinitions,
accumulatedOptions: accumulatedOptions,
accumulatedArguments: accumulatedArguments.appending(argument))
/// Split a string into name and value.
/// Given a string, look for "=". If found, return portion before "=" and portion after "=".
/// If "=" is not present, return the string and `nil`.
private static func parseNameAndValue(_ s: String) throws -> (String, String?) {
let components = s.components(separatedBy: "=")
switch components.count {
case 0:
throw CommandLineParseError.invalidArgumentSyntax("empty argument")
case 1:
return (components[0], nil)
case 2:
return (components[0], components[1])
throw CommandLineParseError.invalidArgumentSyntax("contains multiple '=' characters")
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oderwat commented Aug 20, 2017

Shouldn't description for string values be better without the "" marks?

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