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Working on @HarperDB

Kris Zyp kriszyp

Working on @HarperDB
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kriszyp / CBOR
Last active November 17, 2021 03:40
This is a comparison of different CBOR encoding techniques including packing and the proposed record structure tag (and combining both) with cbor-x JS library, and how affect size and performance.

The cbor-x's packed implementation only packs whole strings that occur multiple times, it does not search for repeated prefixes or postfixes, as they would almost certainly be vastly more expensive. Strings are packed if they occur multiples in a data structures. When using packed + record tags, strings as keys are not searched for string repetition (since it assumed repetition will mostly be eliminated by the structure reuse).

The table shows encoded size for each technique, and the encoding and decoding performance. The last column also includes the gzipped size for comparison sake (no gzip performance, but generally is about 2-4x slower with gzipping in my tests). The table compares plain CBOR encoding, packed, record structures with a 1+1 definition tag and 1+2 tag, and the combination of packed and record structures.

The first comparison test uses an 8KB JSON data structure from our database of medical studies, that has a fairly complicated and dynamic structure:

operation op/s
buf = Buffer(JSON.stringify(obj)); 526300
obj = JSON.parse(buf); 527300
require('msgpackr').pack(obj); 1081280
require('msgpackr').unpack(buf); 675080
msgpackr w/ shared structures: packr.pack(obj); 1284720
msgpackr w/ shared structures: packr.unpack(buf); 2770860
operation op ms op/s
buf = Buffer(JSON.stringify(obj)); 82000 5004 16386
obj = JSON.parse(buf); 88600 5000 17720
require('msgpackr').pack(obj); 161500 5002 32287
require('msgpackr').unpack(buf); 94600 5004 18904
msgpackr w/ shared structures: packr.pack(obj); 178400 5002 35665
msgpackr w/ shared structures: packr.unpack(buf); 376700 5000 75340
buf = require('msgpack-lite').encode(obj); 30100 5012 6005
obj = require('msgpack-lite').decode(buf); 16200 5001 3239
buf = require('notepack').encode(obj); 62600 5005 12507
kriszyp / string-functions.csv
Last active January 2, 2021 15:16
String functions
Function Characters Time
Buffer.toString 3 180ns
Buffer.toString 10 200ns
Buffer.toString 2000 500ns
Buffer.toString('latin1') 2000 415ns
TextDecoder.decode 10 1700ns
String.fromCharCode(...) 3 16ns
String.fromCharCode(...) 10 46ns
String.fromCharCode(...) 2000 4300ns
String.fromCharCode.apply(array) 3 29ns
kriszyp / define-node.js
Created October 27, 2010 21:08
Add AMD/define() support to NodeJS
var currentModule, defaultCompile = module.constructor.prototype._compile;
module.constructor.prototype._compile = function(content, filename){
currentModule = this;
return, content, filename);
finally {
currentModule = null;
> foo = new Model();
> = {baz:3}
>'bar').property('baz').observe(function(value){console.log('baz new value', value);});
> foo.set('bar', {baz:5});
baz new value 5 VM6359:2
kriszyp / gist:7439619
Created November 12, 2013 22:05
Whether or not to auto-own() widget aspects
Dylan was asking me about the own()'ing of aspects, so I thought I would try to write out the issues in case it would help. The issue associated with not own()ing the function (, is that if a reference to the widget or the handle is retained after destruction, the function is still referenced just as it was when it was live. What has made this a debatable issue though, is that if a widget is referenced after it is destroyed, is that really a valid use case? Is leaving such a reference itself a memory leak, and should be fixed, rather than trying to make memory leaks be smaller leaks? The downside of own()ing all aspect handles is that own()ing has a cost itself, each owned reference takes up a slot in an array, so by own()ing aspects, we are effectively punishing the vast majority of widgets do not ever end up with a reference to a destroyed widget.
It might help to look at a few different scenarios:
A single widget: when a widget listens/aspects t
.segment {
width: 33%;
float: left;
.inside {
margin: 20px;
input {
width: 100%;
<title>Dual Boot Test</title>
<style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dev/dojo-release-1.3.3-src/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
console.log("dojo 1.3", dojo);
# My Cool Package
Here is little introduction.
## module-a
A little intro to this module. here are the methods/props:
<pull-in-from-api-docs> <!-- get stuff from code -->
<example for="myMethod1">