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Last active February 21, 2020 08:57
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NGINX comments.conf
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx -y
# install certbot
# in the conf
events {}
server {
listen 80;
location / {
return 200 "Hello from nginx";
certbot --nginx
ls -l /etc/letsencrypt/live/
crontab -e > @daily certbot renew # check, it may be already set
For AB testing/beta testing we can use
2) set different upstream and then redirect users by if command
We can add visitor's country/city to headers from IP via nginx GoIP module, instead rails apps
# TODO: add server push
# var doc:
# dynamic modules
context - block of configuration
directive - line of option and value
worker_process auto; # 1CPU->1 worker. Number workes cannot be more than CPU. lscpu
worker_connections 1024; # can take number from ulimit -n
multi_accept: on; #accep immediatelly all connections, default: on
use epoll;
# upstream doc:
# roundrobin - 1 after another (no config)
# sticky sessions - by ip hash (add ip_hash;)
# least loaded - checks if server is still dealing with connection (add least_conn;)
upstream balancer{
#ip_hash; # to set sticky session
server localhost:10001;
server localhost:10002;
open_file_cache*:* # helps to cache reading files from HD
add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN; # iframe works if from same domain
include mime.types; - allows nginx to set correct mime types based on extension
gzip on; # standard directive, everything after this one will be influenced by gzip, incl server.
# NB! if set after logic, then don't apply.
# but if put inside server then server will also see
gzip_min_length 100; #in bytes
gzip_compression_level 3; # recommended 1-4;
gzip_types text/plain text/css;
gzip_types text/javascript;
gzip_types text/html; #default only this
gzip_disable "msie6";
server_tokens off; # will hide nginx version
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
if ($http_user_agent ~* badbot){ return 403 }
if ($http_referer ~* badbot){ return 403 }
location @my-server {
proxy_pass http://balancer/; # it's better to set "/" to the end as convention
http2_push_preload on; # allow push preload
# server has to add header: Link: </style.css>; as=style; rel=preload, </favicon.ico>; as=image; rel=preload
# h= ActionController::Base.helpers
# response.headers["Link"] = "<#{h.asset_pack_path("application.css")}>; as=style; rel=preload,<#{h.asset_path("application.css")}>; as=style; rel=preload, </#{h.asset_pack_path("application.js")}>; as=script; rel=preload"
add_header proxied nginx; # adds header to the client (response), rails won't see it
proxy_set_header proxied2 nginx; # adds header to the rails (request), client won't see it.
# location ordering
# 1. = # exact match
# 2. ^~ # preferable prefix
# 3. ~ & *~ # regexp matching (*~) - case insensitive
# 4. no modifier prefix match
location = /exact-path{
access_log off; # swithecs log only here
error_log off; # swithecs log only here
root /path/in/fs; # custom path
try_files $uri $uri/ index.php?$args =404; # tries file by url and if not found then returns 404
location /home {
rewrite ^ /index.html; #request will be sent to index.html
location ~* \.(js|css|png)$ {
expires 1M; # in 1 month
access_log off; # no need to log
add_header Pragma public; # old way of cache-control
add_header Cache-Control public;
add_header Vary Accept-Encoding;
./configure --help|grep without
./configure --with-http_v2_module --with-http_ssl_module --without-http_autoindex_module
# todo: add brotli installation guides for Debian
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