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the simplistic string-based esolang made for code-golfing
by Kritixi Lithos
Carrot is an esolang that is made for string-manipulation. The program starts of in a 2-dimensional tape, a sheet, and each cell on this tape contains three global variables that I call the stack: the stack-string, the stack-float and the stack-array. The program starts with the stack being the stack-string, ie string-mode. All the operators the program encounters will affect the string-mode directly, and some will change the stack-mode. Furthermore, the program is able to move across the tape via movement commands. As stated earlier, each cell on the tape will have its own stack.
Note: "TODO"s do not mean that they have yet to be implemented, they just mean that I still need to think about that partcular feature
int size=1;
PVector RIGHT=new PVector(size,0);
PVector UP =new PVector(0,-size);
PVector LEFT =new PVector(-size,0);
PVector DOWN =new PVector(0,size);
int num=0;
boolean isPrime(int n){for(int i=2;i<=sqrt(n);i++)if(n%i<1)return false;return n>1;}
PImage i;
void setup() {
//radii of the circles
float r1=300;
float r2=r1*3/8;
float r3=r2*3/8;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
void circle(float radius1, float radius2, int num1, int num2) {
//go to centre
translate(width/2, height/2);
float x = 0;
float y = -radius1;