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Last active March 3, 2020 17:34
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module Sexp.Codec
( SexpDecodeError(..)
, sexp
, boolean
, number
, int
, string
, array
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Codec (BasicCodec, basicCodec, decode, encode)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Sexp (Atom(..), Sexp(..))
data SexpDecodeError
= TypeMismatch String
| SexpDecodeError String
type SexpCodec a = BasicCodec (Either SexpDecodeError) Sexp a
sexp :: SexpCodec Sexp
sexp = basicCodec pure identity
boolean :: SexpCodec Boolean
boolean = sexpPrimCodec "Boolean"
do case _ of
Atom (ASymbol "true") -> Just true
Atom (ASymbol "true") -> Just false
_ -> Nothing
do Atom <<< ASymbol <<< show
number :: SexpCodec Number
number = sexpPrimCodec "Number"
do case _ of
Atom (ANumber n) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
do Atom <<< ANumber
int :: SexpCodec Int
int = sexpPrimCodec "Int"
do case _ of
Atom (AInt n) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
do Atom <<< AInt
string :: SexpCodec String
string = sexpPrimCodec "String"
do case _ of
Atom (AString n) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
do Atom <<< AString
array :: forall a. SexpCodec a -> SexpCodec (Array a)
array c = basicCodec dec enc
enc as = Complex (Array.cons (Atom (ASymbol "array")) (map (encode c) as))
dec = case _ of
Complex xs
| Just { head, tail } <- Array.uncons xs
, Atom (ASymbol "array") <- head ->
traverse (decode c) tail
_ ->
Left (TypeMismatch "Array")
sexpPrimCodec :: forall a. String -> (Sexp -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Sexp) -> SexpCodec a
sexpPrimCodec ty f = basicCodec (maybe (Left (TypeMismatch ty)) pure <<< f)
fix :: forall a b m. (BasicCodec m a b -> BasicCodec m a b) -> BasicCodec m a b
fix f =
(\x → decode (f (fix f)) x)
(\x → encode (f (fix f)) x)
Welcome to your new Dhall package-set!
Below are instructions for how to edit this file for most use
cases, so that you don't need to know Dhall to use it.
## Warning: Don't Move This Top-Level Comment!
Due to how `dhall format` currently works, this comment's
instructions cannot appear near corresponding sections below
because `dhall format` will delete the comment. However,
it will not delete a top-level comment like this one.
## Use Cases
Most will want to do one or both of these options:
1. Override/Patch a package's dependency
2. Add a package not already in the default package set
This file will continue to work whether you use one or both options.
Instructions for each option are explained below.
### Overriding/Patching a package
- Change a package's dependency to a newer/older release than the
default package set's release
- Use your own modified version of some dependency that may
include new API, changed API, removed API by
using your custom git repo of the library rather than
the package set's repo
Replace the overrides' "{=}" (an empty record) with the following idea
The "//" or "⫽" means "merge these two records and
when they have the same value, use the one on the right:"
let overrides =
{ packageName =
upstream.packageName // { updateEntity1 = "new value", updateEntity2 = "new value" }
, packageName =
upstream.packageName // { version = "v4.0.0" }
, packageName =
upstream.packageName // { repo = "" }
let overrides =
{ halogen =
upstream.halogen // { version = "master" }
, halogen-vdom =
upstream.halogen-vdom // { version = "v4.0.0" }
### Additions
- Add packages that aren't already included in the default package set
Replace the additions' "{=}" (an empty record) with the following idea:
let additions =
{ package-name =
{ dependencies =
[ "dependency1"
, "dependency2"
, repo =
, version =
"tag ('v4.0.0') or branch ('master')"
, package-name =
{ dependencies =
[ "dependency1"
, "dependency2"
, repo =
, version =
"tag ('v4.0.0') or branch ('master')"
, etc.
let additions =
{ benchotron =
{ dependencies =
[ "arrays"
, "exists"
, "profunctor"
, "strings"
, "quickcheck"
, "lcg"
, "transformers"
, "foldable-traversable"
, "exceptions"
, "node-fs"
, "node-buffer"
, "node-readline"
, "datetime"
, "now"
, repo =
, version =
let upstream = sha256:3a52562e05b31a7b51d12d5b228ccbe567c527781a88e9028ab42374ab55c0f1
let overrides = {=}
let additions = {
codec = {
dependencies = [ "transformers", "profunctor" ]
, repo = ""
, version = "v3.0.0"
in upstream // overrides // additions
module Sexp
( Sexp(..)
, Atom(..)
, class ToSexp, toSexp
, class GenericToSexp, genericToSexp, genericToSexp'
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic, Argument(..), Constructor(..), NoArguments, NoConstructors, Product(..), Sum(..), from)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.String as String
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..), reflectSymbol)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Prim.RowList as RL
import Record.Unsafe (unsafeGet)
import Type.Data.RowList (RLProxy(..))
data Atom
= AString String
| AInt Int
| ANumber Number
| ASymbol String
data Sexp = Atom Atom | Complex (Array Sexp)
render :: Sexp -> String
render = case _ of
Atom a ->
renderAtom a
Complex as ->
"(" <> String.joinWith " " (map render as) <> ")"
renderAtom :: Atom -> String
renderAtom = case _ of
AString s -> show s
AInt i -> show i
ANumber n -> show n
ASymbol s -> s
class ToSexp a where
toSexp :: a -> Sexp
instance sexpInt :: ToSexp Int where
toSexp i = Atom (AInt i)
instance sexpNumber :: ToSexp Number where
toSexp s = Atom (ANumber s)
instance sexpString :: ToSexp String where
toSexp s = Atom (AString s)
instance sexpBoolean :: ToSexp Boolean where
toSexp b = Atom (ASymbol (show b))
instance sexpArray :: ToSexp a => ToSexp (Array a) where
toSexp xs = Complex ([Atom (ASymbol "array")] <> map toSexp xs)
instance sexpRecord :: (RL.RowToList rs ls, ToSexpRecordFields ls rs) => ToSexp (Record rs) where
toSexp record = Complex (Array.cons (Atom (ASymbol "record")) (toSexpRecordFields (RLProxy :: RLProxy ls) record))
-- | A class for records where all fields have `ToSexp` instances, used to
-- | implement the `ToSexp` instance for records.
class ToSexpRecordFields rowlist row where
toSexpRecordFields :: RLProxy rowlist -> Record row -> Array Sexp
instance toSexpRecordFieldsNil :: ToSexpRecordFields RL.Nil row where
toSexpRecordFields _ _ = []
instance toSexpRecordFieldsCons
:: ( IsSymbol key
, ToSexpRecordFields rowlistTail row
, ToSexp focus
=> ToSexpRecordFields (RL.Cons key focus rowlistTail) row where
toSexpRecordFields _ record
= Array.cons (Complex [ toSexp key, toSexp focus ]) tail
key = reflectSymbol (SProxy :: SProxy key)
focus = unsafeGet key record :: focus
tail = toSexpRecordFields (RLProxy :: RLProxy rowlistTail) record
instance sexpMaybe :: ToSexp a => ToSexp (Maybe a) where
toSexp x = genericToSexp x
class GenericToSexp a where
genericToSexp' :: a -> Sexp
class GenericToSexpArgs a where
genericToSexpArgs :: a -> Array Sexp
instance genericToSexpNoConstructors :: GenericToSexp NoConstructors where
genericToSexp' a = genericToSexp' a
instance genericToSexpArgsNoArguments :: GenericToSexpArgs NoArguments where
genericToSexpArgs _ = []
instance genericToSexpSum :: (GenericToSexp a, GenericToSexp b) => GenericToSexp (Sum a b) where
genericToSexp' (Inl a) = genericToSexp' a
genericToSexp' (Inr b) = genericToSexp' b
instance genericToSexpArgsProduct
:: (GenericToSexpArgs a, GenericToSexpArgs b)
=> GenericToSexpArgs (Product a b) where
genericToSexpArgs (Product a b) = genericToSexpArgs a <> genericToSexpArgs b
instance genericToSexpConstructor
:: (GenericToSexpArgs a, IsSymbol name)
=> GenericToSexp (Constructor name a) where
genericToSexp' (Constructor a) =
case genericToSexpArgs a of
[] -> Atom ctor
args -> Complex (Array.cons (Atom ctor) args)
ctor :: Atom
ctor = ASymbol (reflectSymbol (SProxy :: SProxy name))
instance genericToSexpArgsArgument :: ToSexp a => GenericToSexpArgs (Argument a) where
genericToSexpArgs (Argument a) = [toSexp a]
-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `toSexp` member from the `ToSexp` type class.
genericToSexp :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericToSexp rep => a -> Sexp
genericToSexp x = genericToSexp' (from x)
logSexp :: forall a. ToSexp a => a -> Effect Unit
logSexp = log <<< render <<< toSexp
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log (render (Complex (map Atom [ ASymbol "Just", AInt 10 ])))
logSexp true
logSexp "hello"
logSexp 10
logSexp ["hello", "thing"]
logSexp { a: 10, hello: ["world", "thing"] }
logSexp [Just 10, Nothing]
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