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Last active June 21, 2016 13:11
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* This JXA script combines 2 or more images into one using ImageMagick.
* Prerequisite:
* 1. Mac Yosemite
* 2. ImageMagick
* Steps:
* 1. Launch Automator app
* 2. Create an Automator service.
* 3. Set the input of the service as "image files" in "Finder"
* 4. Add a "Run JavaScript" task.
* 5. Paste the following code into the script field.
* 6. Save the service and give it a name.
* How to use:
* 1. Select some image files in Finder
* 2. Run the service from the system's Service menu.
var ImageMagickConvert = '/usr/local/bin/convert'; // point this path to the installed location of ImageMagick's convert command
var app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
function alert(text, msg) {
var options = { };
if (msg) options.message = msg;
app.displayAlert(text, options);
function run(input, parameters) {
if (!input || input.length < 2) {
alert('Please select 2 or more images to combine!');
return input;
var cmd = ImageMagickConvert;
var output = null;
var names = [];
var dir = null;
cmd += ' "' + file + '"';
// get the file name of the input file and use it for the output file name
var pathComponents = file.toString().split('/');
var filename = pathComponents.pop().split('.').shift();
var dirname = pathComponents.join('/');
// use the first file's directory as the output directory
if (!dir) dir = dirname;
// compose the output path
output = [dir, names.join('+') + '.png'].join('/');
// compose the final command
cmd += ' +append "' + output + '"';
// execute the command
// return the output to next task
return Path(output);
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