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Last active April 15, 2020 10:34
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jQuery Plugin
Make a jQuery plugin
@param string name - Name of plugin
@param string extend - Name of parent plugin to extend
@param function onInit(element, instance) - a function that initialize the plugin instance on the element. To export methods, assign the functions to the instance.
@param object defaults - a set of default values which can be accessed through instance.options
// Defining a plugin:
TSCreatePlugin($, 'hello', null, function onInit(elem, instance) {
var privateVar = 'secret';
function privateFunction() {} = 'bar';
instance.greet = function(name) { console.log(this.options.greetMessage + ', ' + name + '! I\'m a ' + elem.prop('tagName') + '.'); }
instance.onDestroy = function() { delete; }
}, {greetMessage:'Hello'});
$(elem).hello({greetMessage:'Hola'}); // Initialize an instance associated with elem, may not be necessary for some plugins.
$(elem).hello('greet', 'Guest'); // Invoke plugin methods
$(elem).hello('foo'); // Get a property of the plugin instance
$(elem).hello('destroy'); // Remove the plugin instance, calling instance.onDestroy if provided
Note: It may not be a nice idea to invoke a plugin method without initializing the plugin instance previously because the arguments provided will be treated as initialization options.
function TSCreatePlugin($, name, extend, onInit, defaults) {
$.fn[name] = function(cmd, options) {
var instanceKey = 'handy-plugin-'+name;
var instance =;
var superInstance = null;
if (cmd === undefined || typeof cmd == 'object') {
options = cmd;
cmd = null;
// special command: destroy
if (cmd == 'destroy') {
if (instance && typeof instance['onDestroy'] == 'function') {
return this;
// special command: get the controller instance
if (cmd == 'controller') {
return instance;
// init instance
if (!instance) {
// super init
if (extend && typeof this[extend] == 'function') {
this[extend](cmd, options);
superInstance = this[extend]('controller');
// create instance
instance = $.extend({}, superInstance);, instance);
// merge options with default settings
var optionsObject = typeof options == 'object'? options: null;
instance.options = $.extend({}, defaults || {}, optionsObject || {});
// init instance
onInit(this, instance, superInstance);
// invoking methods / getting properties
var args = []; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) args.push(arguments[i]);
if (typeof instance[cmd] == 'function') {
var ret = instance[cmd].apply(instance, args);
if (ret !== undefined) return ret;
} else if (instance[cmd] !== undefined) {
return instance[cmd];
return this;
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