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Created August 5, 2014 22:37
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MisterHouse Weather Underground Sample Excerpt
# Category = Interfaces
#@ Adds weather items to the web interface
use XML::Simple;
$p_w_forecast = new Process_Item qq[get_url "<API>/forecast/q/KVNY.xml" "$config_parms{data_dir}/web/forecast.html"];
$p_w_conditions = new Process_Item qq[get_url "" "$config_parms{data_dir}/web/conditions.html"];
$p_w_forecast_hourly_wu = new Process_Item qq[get_url "<API>/hourly/q/KVNY.xml" "$config_parms{data_dir}/web/hourly_wu.html"];
if ($Reload){
sub get_forecast{
start $p_w_forecast;
sub get_hourly_wu{
start $p_w_forecast_hourly_wu;
if (done_now $p_w_forecast){
my $content = file_read("$config_parms{data_dir}/web/forecast.html");
$content =~ s/^\s+//; # Solves: Unable to recognise encoding warning
my $data = $xml->XMLin($content);
#loop through forecast Days
my $forecasts = $data->{forecast}->{simpleforecast}->{forecastdays}->{forecastday};
foreach my $f (@{$forecasts}){
my $high = $f->{high}->{fahrenheit};
my $low = $f->{low}->{fahrenheit};
my $conditions = $f->{conditions};
my $precip = $f->{pop};
my $date = $f->{date}->{weekday_short};
my $period = $f->{period};
my $item = "w_" . $period . "_forecast";
my $object = &get_object_by_name($item);
$object->set("$conditions $high/$low $precip\% Rain");
$object->{label} = $period ."-".$date;
if (done_now $p_w_forecast_hourly_wu || done_now $p_w_forecast_hourly_nws){
my $content = file_read("$config_parms{data_dir}/web/hourly_wu.html");
$content =~ s/^\s+//; # Solves: Unable to recognise encoding warning
my $data = $xml->XMLin($content);
#Intialize array of forecasts
my @forecast_array;
#loop through forecast hours
my $forecasts = $data->{hourly_forecast}->{forecast};
foreach my $f (@{$forecasts}){
my $hour = $f->{FCTTIME}->{hour}; #Use for inside MH
my $epoch = $f->{FCTTIME}->{epoch} * 1000; #use for posting to nimbits
my $temp = $f->{temp}->{english};
if ($epoch <= ((time *1000)+86400000)){ #only push 24 hours of data
push(@forecast_array, {"d"=>$temp, "t"=>$epoch});
$hourly_forecast{$hour} = $temp;
sub get_conditions{
start $p_w_conditions;
if (done_now $p_w_conditions){
#Get Condition Line Only
run_voice_cmd 'Get the Internet weather conditions';
my $content = file_read("$config_parms{data_dir}/web/conditions.html");
$content =~ s/^\s+//; # Solves: Unable to recognise encoding warning
my $data = $xml->XMLin($content);
$main::Weather{TempOutdoor} = $data->{temp_f};
$main::Weather{WindAvgDir} = $data->{wind_degrees};
$main::Weather{WindAvgSpeed} = $data->{wind_mph};
$main::Weather{WindGustSpeed} = $data->{wind_gust_mph};
$main::Weather{HumidOutdoor} = $data->{relative_humidity};
$main::Weather{RainRate} = $data->{precip_1hr_in};
$main::Weather{RainTotal} = $data->{precip_today_in};
$main::Weather{BaromSea} = $data->{pressure_in};
$main::Weather{DewOutdoor} = $data->{dewpoint_f};
$main::Weather{Conditions} = ' ';
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