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Created April 27, 2017 12:28
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# Finding protected and unprotected VMs
$backupVaults = Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults
foreach ($backupvault in $backupVaults)
$rsVault = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesVault -Name $backupVault.Name -ResourceGroupName $backupVault.ResourceGroupName
Set-AzureRmRecoveryServicesVaultContext -Vault $rsVault
$azureVMs = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType AzureVM
Get-AzureRmVM | where-object {$_.Location -eq $rsVault.Location} | ForEach-Object -Process {
if ($azureVMs.FriendlyName -contains $_.Name) {
$protected = "Protected"
} else {
$protected = "Unprotected"
$backupTable = @()
$backupData = New-Object psobject -Property @{
VMName = $_.Name;
ProtectionStatus = $protected;
LogType = 'Backup';
VaultName = $rsVault.Name;
Location = $rsVault.Location
ResourceGroupName = $_.ResourceGroupName;
VMId = $_.Id
$backupTable += $backupData
$backupTableJson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $backupData
write-output $backuptablejson
$LogType = 'AzureManagement'
Send-OMSAPIIngestionData -customerId $omsworkspaceId -sharedKey $omsworkspaceKey -body $backupTableJson -logType $LogType
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