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Created March 24, 2015 22:06
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Convert light signals received via light sensor from morse code to text.
// morse_decoder
// Convert light signals received via light sensor from morse code to text
// We are using port S1 on the Duinobot board for the light sensor.
// The value of THRESHOLD is dependent on your ambiant light ... it
// may need to be adjusted for your environment.
// A morse dot is assumed to be 500 msec (see DOT) ... have not tried any
// other speeds yet.
// - Ports S0-S5 are analog input pins
// - S0 is identical to Arduino A0 and so on (S5=A5)
// - To use these ports as Digital pins add 14
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(str,data) Serial.print(F("_DEBUG: ")); Serial.print(str); Serial.println(data);
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(str,data) // DO NOTHING
#define THRESHOLD 800
#define DOT 250
char morse[6];
int morse_index = 0;
uint8_t _port;
boolean _state;
unsigned long _millisStart;
unsigned long _millisEnd;
static char *_list[26] = {".-", // 'a'
"-...", // 'b'
"-.-.", // 'c'
"-..", // 'd'
".", // 'e'
"..-.", // 'f'
"--.", // 'g'
"....", // 'h'
"..", // 'i'
".---", // 'j'
"-.-", // 'k'
".-..", // 'l'
"--", // 'm'
"-.", // 'n'
"---", // 'o'
".--.", // 'p'
"--.-", // 'q'
".-.", // 'r'
"...", // 's'
"-", // 't'
"..-", // 'u'
"...-", // 'v'
".--", // 'w'
"-..-", // 'x'
"-.--", // 'y'
"--..",}; // 'z'
// convert_morse
// convert morse code (such as "--..") to a
// letter ('z')
// code - the morse code to convert
// Returns - converted letter or '?' on failure
// Notes: inefficient linear search ... too slow?
char convert_morse(char *code)
for (int x = 0; x < 26; x++)
if (strcmp(_list[x], code) == 0)
DEBUG_PRINTLN("GOT: ", (char)(x+'a'));
return (char)(x + 'a');
// could not decode what was read
return '?';
void setup() {
_millisStart = _millisEnd = 0;
_state = LOW;
_port = 1;
Serial.println (" ");
Serial.println ("Finished setup ...");
void loop() {
boolean state;
// read the light sensor ; sensor can be HIGH or LOW
if (analogRead(_port) <= THRESHOLD)
state = LOW;
state = HIGH;
// check to see if the current state of the sensor
// matches the last state of the sensor.
if (state != _state)
_millisEnd = millis();
if (_state == HIGH)
// Just finished a HIGH state and transitioned to a low state
// did we just process a dot or a dash?
if (_millisEnd - _millisStart < DOT + DOT/10 )
morse[morse_index] = '.';
morse[morse_index] = '-';
// just finished reading another dot or dash
// append the dot or dash to the morse to decode
morse[morse_index] = '\0';
// just finished a low state and transitioned to a high state
// Was a character, letter or word just finished?
if ( _millisEnd - _millisStart < DOT + DOT/10 )
// single dot low state ... finished a dot or a dash
else if ( _millisEnd - _millisStart > DOT*3 - DOT/10 )
// 3 dot low state or 7 dot low state ... finished a letter
char c = convert_morse(morse);
if (c =='?') {
Serial.println(" *** Failed to decode properly ... retrying ...");
morse_index = 0;
if ( _millisEnd - _millisStart > DOT*7 - DOT/10 )
// 7 dot low state ... finished a word
Serial.print(' ');
// set the current state
_state = state;
_millisStart = _millisEnd;
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