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Last active February 18, 2020 23:11
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DTR- Which Beyonce

What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?

Katy would like more experience refactoring in JS. Brian would like more experience regarding how the classes will be utilitzed the project. Steph would like to expand her working knowledge of JS and have no fear executing it on her own.

We are interested in both completion and learning during the course of this project.

What is your collaboration style?

Generally speaking, we would like to work on the project side by side, unless the subject material is very familiar in which case we are comfortable using a divide and conquer approach.

How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?

Open communication is the best policy. Everyone should be kept in the loop as much as possible. Feedback should be professional and direct while respecting each other.

How do you describe your work style?

We like to collaborate together while learning on our own at the same time.

Individual strengths and weakness:

Katy has realized that reaching out for help is vital and not to spend to long spining her wheels. She is mostly calm and laid back but needs growth in CSS.

Steph approaches every project with positivity and excitement to learn. She feels that she depends on others too much during group work.

Brian is improving in his ability to solve problems inside of JS and doesn't feel the need to panic. He aslo has learned when and how to ask for help that greatly benefits his learning and time management in the end. He doesn't feel would like to be more comfortable with the git flow process.

Positives/negatives in previous projects:

Having one person take all the work on themselves is a recipe for disaster. Open and frequent communication is valuable. Effectively using the Trello board.

After each iteration share code to see if refactoring is necessary. No not leave it until the end.

How will we set direction and make decisions as a team:

Planning is important! Structuring out HTML, CSS, and JS. Prepare a more advanced plan (using a Google.doc) so that we can go and refer back to keep us on track. If a conflict arises regarding how to move forward we can attempt to make a decision using the guidelines in the rubric.

How will we overcome obstacles?

Professionally and with respect. Taking a break when things get intense and being vocal about how we're feeling.

In what type of environment do you need to be successful at your work?

Calm, focused, professional with a reasonable amount of outside distractions.

Scheduling restrictions:

Stephanie is not available on Tuesday evening. Brian and Katy are not available on Wednesday evening. Work after class is fine until we are getting burned out at which point we can will quit for the day. Open to working at school on the weekend. We will be here on Saturday and as needed on Sunday.

Tools to manage project:

Trello, Slack channel, mentors, rocks, classmates, Atom packages, Google and CodePen.

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