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Created February 25, 2020 22:50
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How to fetch one ticker by symbol
mbp:ccxt igorkroitor$ node examples/js/cli binance fetchTicker BTC/USDT
binance.fetchTicker (BTC/USDT)
{        symbol:   "BTC/USDT",
      timestamp:    1582670961115,
       datetime:   "2020-02-25T22:49:21.115Z",
           high:    9675,
            low:    9250,
            bid:    9372.03,
      bidVolume:    0.312134,
            ask:    9373.13,
      askVolume:    0.164158,
           vwap:    9476.93084089,
           open:    9636.23,
          close:    9372.49,
           last:    9372.49,
  previousClose:    9636.16,
         change:    -263.74,
     percentage:    -2.737,
        average:    undefined,
     baseVolume:    53995.944539,
    quoteVolume:    511715832.08472484,
           info: {             symbol: "BTCUSDT",
                          priceChange: "-263.74000000",
                   priceChangePercent: "-2.737",
                     weightedAvgPrice: "9476.93084089",
                       prevClosePrice: "9636.16000000",
                            lastPrice: "9372.49000000",
                              lastQty: "0.12032400",
                             bidPrice: "9372.03000000",
                               bidQty: "0.31213400",
                             askPrice: "9373.13000000",
                               askQty: "0.16415800",
                            openPrice: "9636.23000000",
                            highPrice: "9675.00000000",
                             lowPrice: "9250.00000000",
                               volume: "53995.94453900",
                          quoteVolume: "511715832.08472482",
                             openTime:  1582584561115,
                            closeTime:  1582670961115,
                              firstId:  251968968,
                               lastId:  252547295,
                                count:  578328               } }
mbp:ccxt igorkroitor$
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