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Last active April 30, 2024 09:02
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Manual K-fold Cross Validation without data leakage

Considering a dataset data which is already one hot encoded:

n_split = 5
len_split = int(data.shape[0]/n_split)

# Select only  numerical values for this example
data_num = data.select_dtypes(exclude=['object'])

# Shuffle the dataset rows
data_num = data_num.sample(frac=1)

# Initialize the 1st fold
scores = []
start = 0
stop = len_split

# Start the n-split fold CV
for k in range(n_split): # k in [0,1,2,3,4]
    data_val = data_num.iloc[start:stop, :]
    data_train = data_num.drop(index=data_val.index)
    y_train = data_train['SalePriceBinary']
    X_train = data_train.drop(columns=['SalePriceBinary'])
    y_val = data_val['SalePriceBinary']
    X_val = data_val.drop(columns=['SalePriceBinary'])
    robust = RobustScaler()
    # Train the Robustscaler only on train set to avoid data leakage 👌
    X_train['GrLivArea'] = robust.fit_transform(X_train[['GrLivArea']])
    log =  LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000), y_train)
    # Apply robust scaling to val set
    X_val['GrLivArea'] = robust.transform(X_val[['GrLivArea']])
    scores.append(log.score(X_val, y_val))
    # Setup next fold
    start = stop
    stop += len_split

# Display the mean score and the scores standard deviation
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