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Last active March 21, 2017 05:07
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heat_template_version: 2014-10-16
description: >
This is an example showing how you can do firstboot configuration
of the nodes via cloud-init. To enable this, replace the default
mapping of OS::TripleO::NodeUserData in ../overcloud_resource_registry*
description: >
Space seprated list of Kernel args to be update to grub.
The given args will be appended to existing args of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in file /etc/default/grub
Example: "intel_iommu=on default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=1"
type: string
default: ""
type: string
default: ""
type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime
- config: {get_resource: compute_kernel_args}
# Verify the logs on /var/log/cloud-init.log on the overcloud node
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
template: |
set -x
if [[ -z $FORMAT ]] ; then
FORMAT="dpdk" ;
# Assumption: only %index% and %stackname% are the variables in Host name format
FORMAT=$(echo $FORMAT | sed 's/\%index\%//g' | sed 's/\%stackname\%//g') ;
if [[ $(hostname) == *$FORMAT* ]] ; then
sed 's/^\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*\)"/\1 $KERNEL_ARGS"/g' -i /etc/default/grub ;
grub2-mkconfig -o /etc/grub2.cfg
# Sometimes, the IP of the provisioning network is not acquired at the time of
# cloud-init, which will fail the metadata query, looping for 10seconds to ensure
# the network connectivity is ready.
while [ $i -lt 5 ]; do
NETWORK=$(curl -m 10
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# Rebooting without running os-net-config will have default ifcfg scripts which
# is boot the interfaces in alphanumberic order and if DHCPDISCOVER of an interface\
# fails, then the network.service gets failed and does not try others.
# Here we are identifying the provisioning network interface and keep the
# BOOTPROTO as dpch and for all other interfaces make it as none. So that
# network.service will invoke dhcp only on the provisioning network.
# We are identifying the provisioning network using the meta data of the node,
# which will provide the mac address of the provisioning network interface.
# NOTE: Only one provisioning network interface is supported with this script
MAC=$(echo $NETWORK | jq -r ".links[0].ethernet_mac_address")
IFACE=$(ip a | grep $MAC -B1 | awk 'NR==1{print $2;}' | cut -d ":" -f1)
find /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ -name 'ifcfg-*' ! -name 'ifcfg-'$IFACE -type f -exec sed 's/^BOOTPROTO=.*/BOOTPROTO=none/g' -i {} +
sleep 2
i=`expr $i + 1`
$KERNEL_ARGS: {get_param: ComputeKernelArgs}
$COMPUTE_HOSTNAME_FORMAT: {get_param: ComputeDpdkHostnameFormat}
# This means get_resource from the parent template will get the userdata, see:
# Note this is new-for-kilo, an alternative is returning a value then using
# get_attr in the parent template instead.
value: {get_resource: userdata}
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Hi Saravanan,

I saw your question( and solution(here),
I am also facing the same issue, while configuring ovs-dpdk with SRIOV on compute node.


  1. passing required kernel parameters like huge-pages, and reboot, since ironic has no support now in newton release (ROSP 10)
  2. rebooting the node after configuring some dpdk bridges.

How you are doing reboot in OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig, how heat is transferring control after reboot.

I saw you are working on something interesting here, can you please explain a bit.


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CloudFundoo commented Nov 1, 2016

Also I see some of your changes in newton release related to DPDK and OVS

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krsacme commented Nov 2, 2016

Hi Nobin,

As discussed in the irc, the reboot is done be the bash script which will be run by cloud-init. After reboot, cloud-init will continue where it has let off. Heat will not even know about this reboot. After reboot, configuration of the node will resume.

tht-dpdk repo contains the THT and environment files for deploying newton. It is for my experiment of using dpdk as composable role like controller, compute, compute-dpdk. It is still under development/testing, not mature yet. If you are interested, i will update you once things are in good shape.


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Hi Saravanan,

Is it possible that above template can be expanded to apply different KERNEL_ARGS parameters to overcloud compute nodes ?
for example, assuming there are two compute nodes in one openstack instance, we'd like to configure 32G hugepages on compute node 1 and 64G hugepages on compute node 2.


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