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Created March 16, 2014 06:55
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surreal number implementation from On Numbers and Games
type snum = snums * snums
and snums = Nil | Cons of (snum * snums)
let zero = (Nil, Nil)
let one = (Cons (zero, Nil), Nil)
let mone = (Nil, Cons (zero, Nil))
let half = (Cons (zero, Nil), Cons (one, Nil))
let two = (Cons (one, Nil), Nil)
let rec map f = function
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (x, rest) -> Cons (f x, map f rest)
let rec fold_left f init = function
| Nil -> init
| Cons (x, rest) -> fold_left f (f init x) rest
let rec app x y = match x with
| Nil -> y
| Cons (a, rest) -> Cons (a, app rest y)
let rec member_if f = function
| Nil -> false
| Cons (a, rest) -> if f a then true else member_if f rest
let member x = member_if (fun a -> x = a)
let rec remove_if_all f = function
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (a, rest) -> if f a rest then remove_if_all f rest else Cons (a, remove_if_all f rest)
let remove_dup = remove_if_all member
(* remove duplicates *)
let rec normalize (l, r) =
let newl = map normalize l
and newr = map normalize r
in (remove_dup newl, remove_dup newr)
let rec geq (p, q) (r, s) =
(fold_left (fun i x -> i & (gt x (r, s))) true q) &
(fold_left (fun i x -> i & (gt (p, q) x)) true r)
and gt x y = (geq x y) & (not (geq y x))
let eq x y = (geq x y) & (geq y x)
(* leave only the greatest number in the left set and the least number in the right set *)
let rec simplify (l, r) =
let newl = map simplify l
and newr = map simplify r
let rec remove_less = function
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (_, Nil) as w -> w
| Cons (a, Cons (b, rest)) -> if geq a b then Cons (a, remove_less rest) else Cons (b, remove_less rest)
and remove_greater = function
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (_, Nil) as w -> w
| Cons (a, Cons (b, rest)) -> if geq a b then Cons (b, remove_less rest) else Cons (a, remove_less rest)
in (remove_less newl, remove_greater newr)
let rec minus x =
let (p, q) = x in (map (fun a -> minus a) q, map (fun a -> minus a) p)
let rec add x y =
let (p, q) = x and (r, s) = y in
(app (map (fun a -> add a y) p) (map (fun a -> add x a) r),
app (map (fun a -> add a y) q) (map (fun a -> add x a) s))
let rec times x y =
let (lx, rx) = x and (ly, ry) = y in
(fold_left (fun acc a -> app acc (map (fun b -> add (add (times a y) (times x b)) (minus (times a b))) ly)) Nil lx)
(fold_left (fun acc a -> app acc (map (fun b -> add (add (times a y) (times x b)) (minus (times a b))) ry)) Nil rx),
(fold_left (fun acc a -> app acc (map (fun b -> add (add (times a y) (times x b)) (minus (times a b))) ry)) Nil lx)
(fold_left (fun acc a -> app acc (map (fun b -> add (add (times a y) (times x b)) (minus (times a b))) ly)) Nil rx))
let rec div x n =
let rec loc x y =
let (lx, rx) = x and (ly, ry) = y in
(fold_left (fun acc a -> app acc (map (fun b -> loc (add one (times (add a (minus x)) b)) a) ly)) Nil rx)
(fold_left (fun acc a -> app acc (map (fun b -> loc (add one (times (add a (minus x)) b)) a) ry)) Nil lx),
(fold_left (fun acc a -> app acc (map (fun b -> loc (add one (times (add a (minus x)) b)) a) ly)) Nil lx)
(fold_left (fun acc a -> app acc (map (fun b -> loc (add one (times (add a (minus x)) b)) a) ry)) Nil rx)))
match n with
| 0 -> loc x (Cons (zero, Nil), Nil)
| n' -> let (p, q) = div x (n' - 1) in
let (s, r) = loc x (p, q) in
simplify (normalize (app p s, app q r))
(* ad-hoc *)
let rec to_number x =
let (l, r) = simplify x
match l with
| Nil -> (
match r with
| Nil -> 0.0
| Cons (b, _) -> if geq zero b then (to_number b) -. 1.0 else 0.0
| Cons (a, _) -> (
match r with
| Nil -> if geq a zero then (to_number a) +. 1.0 else 0.0
| Cons (b, _) -> ((to_number a) +. (to_number b)) /. 2.0
let rec count_nils (l, r) =
let f = fold_left (fun acc x -> acc + (count_nils x)) 1
in (f l) + (f r)
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