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Last active May 3, 2017 02:57
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Save krugazul/6c48076a67e3b7efe467 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Additional filters for Woothemes Sensei Certificates to allow custom fields to be included on your PDF.
* NB You will need to add the following lines into the actual plugin.
* line 114,122,130,138 and 146 - are the filters which you want to include in you sensei-certificates plugin.
* line 158 - this filter allows you to change the type of field, textarea or normal input.
class WooThemes_Sensei_Certificates {
* Add text to the certificate
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
* @return void
public function certificate_text( $pdf_certificate, $fpdf ) {
global $woothemes_sensei;
$show_border = apply_filters( 'woothemes_sensei_certificates_show_border', 0 );
$start_position = 200;
// Find certificate based on hash
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'certificate',
'meta_key' => 'certificate_hash',
'meta_value' => $pdf_certificate->hash
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
$certificate_id = 0;
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
$certificate_id = $query->posts[0]->ID;
} // End If Statement
if ( 0 < intval( $certificate_id ) ) {
// Get Student Data
$user_id = get_post_meta( $certificate_id, 'learner_id', true );
$student = get_userdata( $user_id );
$student_name = $student->display_name;
$fname = $student->first_name;
$lname = $student->last_name;
if ( '' != $fname && '' != $lname ) {
$student_name = $fname . ' ' . $lname;
// Get Course Data
$course_id = get_post_meta( $certificate_id, 'course_id', true );
$course = $woothemes_sensei->post_types->course->course_query( -1, 'usercourses', $course_id );
$course = $course[0];
$course_end = WooThemes_Sensei_Utils::sensei_check_for_activity( array( 'post_id' => intval( $course_id ), 'user_id' => intval( $user_id ), 'type' => 'sensei_course_status' ), true );
$course_end_date = $course_end->comment_date;
// Get the certificate template
$certificate_template_id = get_post_meta( $course_id, '_course_certificate_template', true );
$certificate_template_custom_fields = get_post_custom( $certificate_template_id );
// Define the data we're going to load: Key => Default value
$load_data = array(
'certificate_font_style' => array(),
'certificate_font_color' => array(),
'certificate_font_size' => array(),
'certificate_font_family' => array(),
'image_ids' => array(),
'certificate_template_fields' => array(),
// Load the data from the custom fields
foreach ( $load_data as $key => $default ) {
// set value from db (unserialized if needed) or use default
$this->$key = ( isset( $certificate_template_custom_fields[ '_' . $key ][0] ) && '' !== $certificate_template_custom_fields[ '_' . $key ][0] ) ? ( is_array( $default ) ? maybe_unserialize( $certificate_template_custom_fields[ '_' . $key ][0] ) : $certificate_template_custom_fields[ '_' . $key ][0] ) : $default;
} // End For Loop
// Set default fonts
if ( isset( $this->certificate_font_color ) && '' != $this->certificate_font_color ) { $pdf_certificate->certificate_pdf_data['font_color'] = $this->certificate_font_color; }
if ( isset( $this->certificate_font_size ) && '' != $this->certificate_font_size ) { $pdf_certificate->certificate_pdf_data['font_size'] = $this->certificate_font_size; }
if ( isset( $this->certificate_font_family ) && '' != $this->certificate_font_family ) { $pdf_certificate->certificate_pdf_data['font_family'] = $this->certificate_font_family; }
if ( isset( $this->certificate_font_style ) && '' != $this->certificate_font_style ) { $pdf_certificate->certificate_pdf_data['font_style'] = $this->certificate_font_style; }
// Set default fonts
setlocale(LC_TIME, get_locale() );
if( false !== strpos( get_locale(), 'en' ) ) {
$date_format = apply_filters( 'sensei_certificate_date_format', 'jS F Y' );
$date = date( $date_format, strtotime( $course_end_date ) );
} else {
$date_format = apply_filters( 'sensei_certificate_date_format', '%Y %B %e' );
$date = strftime ( $date_format, strtotime( $course_end_date ) );
$certificate_heading = __( 'Certificate of Completion', 'sensei-certificates' ); // Certificate of Completion
if ( isset( $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_heading']['text'] ) && '' != $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_heading']['text'] ) {
$certificate_heading = $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_heading']['text'];
$certificate_heading = str_replace( array( '{{learner}}', '{{course_title}}', '{{completion_date}}', '{{course_place}}' ), array( $student_name, $course->post_title, $date, get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) , $certificate_heading );
$certificate_heading = apply_filters('woothemes_sensei_certificates_certificate_heading_text',$certificate_heading,$course_id,$student);
} // End If Statement
$certificate_message = __( 'This is to certify that', 'sensei-certificates' ) . " \r\n\r\n" . $student_name . " \r\n\r\n" . __( 'has completed the course', 'sensei-certificates' ); // This is to certify that {{learner}} has completed the course
if ( isset( $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_message']['text'] ) && '' != $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_message']['text'] ) {
$certificate_message = $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_message']['text'];
$certificate_message = str_replace( array( '{{learner}}', '{{course_title}}', '{{completion_date}}', '{{course_place}}' ), array( $student_name, $course->post_title, $date, get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) , $certificate_message );
$certificate_message = apply_filters('woothemes_sensei_certificates_certificate_message_text',$certificate_message,$course_id,$student);
} // End If Statement
$certificate_course = $course->post_title; // {{course_title}}
if ( isset( $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_course']['text'] ) && '' != $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_course']['text'] ) {
$certificate_course = $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_course']['text'];
$certificate_course = str_replace( array( '{{learner}}', '{{course_title}}', '{{completion_date}}', '{{course_place}}' ), array( $student_name, $course->post_title, $date, get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) , $certificate_course );
$certificate_course = apply_filters('woothemes_sensei_certificates_certificate_course_text',$certificate_course,$course_id,$student);
} // End If Statement
$certificate_completion = $date; // {{completion_date}}
if ( isset( $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_completion']['text'] ) && '' != $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_completion']['text'] ) {
$certificate_completion = $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_completion']['text'];
$certificate_completion = str_replace( array( '{{learner}}', '{{course_title}}', '{{completion_date}}', '{{course_place}}' ), array( $student_name, $course->post_title, $date, get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) , $certificate_completion );
$certificate_completion = apply_filters('woothemes_sensei_certificates_certificate_completion_text',$certificate_completion,$course_id,$student);
} // End If Statement
$certificate_place = sprintf( __( 'At %s', 'sensei-certificates' ), get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ); // At {{course_place}}
if ( isset( $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_place']['text'] ) && '' != $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_place']['text'] ) {
$certificate_place = $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_place']['text'];
$certificate_place = str_replace( array( '{{learner}}', '{{course_title}}', '{{completion_date}}', '{{course_place}}' ), array( $student_name, $course->post_title, $date, get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) , $certificate_place );
$certificate_place = apply_filters('woothemes_sensei_certificates_certificate_place_text',$certificate_place,$course_id,$student);
} // End If Statement
$output_fields = array( 'certificate_heading' => 'text_field',
'certificate_message' => 'textarea_field',
'certificate_course' => 'text_field',
'certificate_completion' => 'text_field',
'certificate_place' => 'text_field',
$output_fields = apply_filters('woothemes_sensei_certificates_ouput_fields',$output_fields);
foreach ( $output_fields as $meta_key => $function_name ) {
// Check if the field has a set position
if ( isset( $this->certificate_template_fields[$meta_key]['position']['x1'] ) ) {
$font_settings = $this->get_certificate_font_settings( $meta_key );
call_user_func_array(array($pdf_certificate, $function_name), array( $fpdf, $$meta_key, $show_border, array( $this->certificate_template_fields[$meta_key]['position']['x1'], $this->certificate_template_fields[$meta_key]['position']['y1'], $this->certificate_template_fields[$meta_key]['position']['width'], $this->certificate_template_fields[$meta_key]['position']['height'] ), $font_settings ));
} // End If Statement
} // End For Loop
} else {
wp_die( __( 'The certificate you are searching for does not exist.', 'sensei-certificates' ), __( 'Certificate Error', 'sensei-certificates' ) );
} // End If Statement
} // End certificate_text()
* This will change the "Heading" field to output like a text area, accross multiple lines.
function certificate_output_fields( $output_fields ) {
$output_fields['certificate_heading'] = 'textarea_field';
return $output_fields;
* This will change the "Heading" field to output like a text area, accross multiple lines.
function certificate_course_text( $course_text, $course_id , $student ) {
$approval = get_post_meta($course_id,'approval',true);
if(false !== $approval){
$course_text = str_replace('{{approval}}',$approval,$course_text);
return $course_text;
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