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Created February 19, 2021 11:34
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class ZabbixApi {
[string] $Ip
[string] $Port
[string] $Auth
static [PSCustomObject] Invoke($Body, $Ip, $Port) {
return Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "http://$Ip`:$port/api_jsonrpc.php" -Headers @{'Content-Type' = 'application/json-rpc' } -Body $Body
static [string] GenerateBody($Method, $Params, $Auth) {
if ($Auth) {
$authvalue = "`"$Auth`""
else {
$authvalue = 'null'
return @"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "$Method",
"params": $($Params | ConvertTo-Json),
"id": 1,
"auth": $authvalue
static [ZabbixApi] LogIn($Ip, $Port, $User, $Password) {
$me = New-Object -TypeName ZabbixApi
$body = [ZabbixApi]::GenerateBody("user.login", @{
"user" = "$User";
"password" = "$Password";
write-host $body
$res = [ZabbixApi]::Invoke($body, $Ip, $Port)
Write-Host $res.result
$me.Ip = $Ip
$me.Port = $Port
$me.Auth = $res.result
return $me
static [ZabbixApi] LogIn() {
return [ZabbixApi]::LogIn('', 10080, 'Admin', 'zabbix')
[PSCustomObject] InvokeAuthenticatedMethod($Body) {
return [ZabbixApi]::Invoke($body, $this.Ip, $this.Port)
[PSCustomObject] CreateHostGroupIfNotExists($HostGroupName) {
$body = [ZabbixApi]::GenerateBody("hostgroup.get", @{
"output" = "extend";
"filter" = @{"name" = @($HostGroupName) }
}, $this.Auth)
$res = [ZabbixApi]::Invoke($body, $this.Ip, $this.Port)
if ($res.result.count -eq 0) {
$body = [ZabbixApi]::GenerateBody("hostgroup.create", @{"name" = $HostGroupName }, $this.Auth)
$res = [ZabbixApi]::Invoke($body, $this.Ip, $this.Port)
return $res.result.groupids[0]
return $res.result[0].groupid
[PSCustomObject] CreateTemplateIfNotExists($TemplateName, $HostGroupId) {
$body = [ZabbixApi]::GenerateBody("template.get", @{
"output" = "extend";
"filter" = @{"host" = @($TemplateName) }
}, $this.Auth)
$res = [ZabbixApi]::Invoke($body, $this.Ip, $this.Port)
if ($res.result.count -eq 0) {
$body = [ZabbixApi]::GenerateBody("template.create", @{
"host" = $TemplateName;
"groups" = @(@{
"groupid" = $HostGroupId;
}, $this.Auth)
$res = [ZabbixApi]::Invoke($body, $this.Ip, $this.Port)
return $res.result.templateids[0]
return $res.result[0].templateid
[PSCustomObject] CreateHostIfNotExists($HostName, $HostGroupId, $TemplateIds) {
$body = [ZabbixApi]::GenerateBody("host.get", @{
"output" = "extend";
"filter" = @{
"host" = @($HostName);
}, $this.Auth)
$res = [ZabbixApi]::Invoke($body, $this.Ip, $this.Port)
if ($res.result.count -eq 0) {
$templates = $TemplateIds | ForEach-Object { @{"templateid" = $_; } }
$body = [ZabbixApi]::GenerateBody("host.create", @{
"host" = $HostName;
"interfaces" = @(
"type" = 1;
"main" = 1;
"useip" = 1;
"ip" = "";
"dns" = "";
"port" = "10050";
"groups" = @(@{
"groupid" = $HostGroupId
"templates" = $templates;
}, $this.Auth)
$res = [ZabbixApi]::Invoke($body, $this.Ip, $this.Port)
return $res.result.hostids[0]
return $res.result[0].hostid
$Zapi = [ZabbixApi]::LogIn()
$hgid = $Zapi.CreateHostGroupIfNotExists('Host Group')
$tpids = @()
$tpids += $Zapi.CreateTemplateIfNotExists('Template', $hgid)
$Zapi.CreateHostIfNotExists('Host', $hgid, $tpids)
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