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Created January 30, 2018 08:59
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Four different strategies for calculating tree depth. a tail recursive version, a continuation passing version and a recursion schema version
import $ivy.`org.scalaz::scalaz-core:7.2.18`
import $ivy.`com.slamdata::matryoshka-core:0.18.3`
import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed trait Tree[+A]
object Tree {
case class Node[A] (left: Tree[A], value: A, right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
case object Empty extends Tree[Nothing]
def height1[A](tree: Tree[A]): Int = tree match {
case Empty => 0
case Node(l, _, r) => 1 + math.max(height1(l), height1(r))
def height2[A](tree: Tree[A]): Int = {
def list(l: List[Tree[A]], acc: Int) =, acc)).max
def inner(tree: Tree[A], acc: Int): Int = tree match {
case Empty => acc
case Node(l, _, Empty) => inner(l, acc + 1)
case Node(Empty, _, r) => inner(r, acc + 1)
case Node(l, _, r) => list(l :: r :: Nil, acc + 1)
inner(tree, 0)
def height3[A](tree: Tree[A]): Int = tree match {
case Empty => 0
case Node(left, _, right) => {
def l(leftHeight: => Int): Int = {
def r(rightHeight: => Int): Int = {
1 + math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight)
import Tree._
val a: Tree[Int] = Node(Empty, 0, Empty)
val b: Tree[Int] = Node(a, 1, Empty)
val c: Tree[Int] = Node(b, 2, a)
val d: Tree[Int] = Node(c, 3, b)
val e: Tree[Int] = Node(Empty, 4, c)
val f: Tree[Int] = Node(d, 5, Empty)
val g: Tree[Int] = Node(e, 6, f)
val trees = List(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
trees.foreach(t => println(s"Height1: ${height1(t)} Height2: ${height2(t)} Height3: ${height3(t)}"))
sealed trait Tree2[A, T]
object Tree2 {
import scalaz.Functor
import matryoshka._, matryoshka.implicits._
case class System[A]() {
type Tree[T] = Tree2[A, T]
case class Node[T] (left: T, value: A, right: T) extends Tree[T]
case class Empty[T]() extends Tree[T]
implicit val TreeFunction = new Functor[Tree] {
def map[T, V](fa: Tree[T])(f: T => V): Tree[V] = fa match {
case Empty() => Empty[V]()
case Node(l, v, r) => Node(f(l), v, f(r))
val height: Algebra[Tree, Int] = {
case Empty() => 0
case Node(l, _, r) => 1 + math.max(l, r)
val s = new Tree2.System[Int]() {
import matryoshka._, matryoshka.implicits._
import data.Mu
implicit def tree1[T](implicit T: Corecursive.Aux[T, Tree]): T =
Node(Empty[T]().embed, 0, Empty[T]().embed).embed
implicit def tree2[T](implicit T: Corecursive.Aux[T, Tree]): T =
Node(tree1, 1, Empty[T]().embed).embed
implicit def tree3[T](implicit T: Corecursive.Aux[T, Tree]): T =
Node(tree2, 2, tree1).embed
println(s"recursive schema height: ${tree3[Mu[Tree]].cata(height)}")
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