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Last active August 17, 2020 10:02
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Useful Lenses
class BalanceSheet {
val froms: List[Transaction]
val toss: List[Transaction]
/* ... */
class Transaction {
val issue: DateTime
val acknowledge: DateTime
/* ... */
val sheetTransactionsLens: Traversal[BalanceSheet, Transaction] =
val transactionTimesLens: Traversal[Transaction, DateTime] =
val sheetTimes: Traversal[BalanceSheet, DateTime] =
// We can re-use a simple function that goes from Time to a new Time
val adjustTime: DateTime => DateTime = ???
// And use the lense to build a function that goes from BalanceSheet to a new BalanceSheet.
val adjustSheetTimes: BalanceSheet => BalanceSheet =
// This is a concrete alternative to adjustTime, we just increment it by duration:
def increaseTimeBy(duration: FiniteDuration): DateTime => DateTime =
// and re-use the same lense, to update the time on on transactions in a balance sheet adding to them a fixed amount.
def increaseSheetTimes(duration: FiniteDuration): BalanceSheet => BalanceSheet =
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