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Last active September 13, 2021 15:54
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#include <tl/expected.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <functional>
#include <variant>
// Logic in modern civilization
template<typename A, typename B>
using And = std::tuple<A, B>;
template<typename A, typename B>
using Or = std::variant<A, B>;
template<typename A, typename B>
using Implies = std::function<B(A)>;
using Raining = int;
using Sunny = float;
using Day = bool;
struct Person {
std::string name;
int age;
using Age = int;
Implies<Or<Raining, Sunny>, Day> statement =
[] (std::variant<Raining, Sunny> input) { return false; };
Implies<Person, Age> personHasAge =
[] (Person p) { return p.age; };
struct CypherPair {
int privateKey;
int publicKey;
using PrivateKey = int;
using PublicKey = int;
Implies<And<PrivateKey, PublicKey>, CypherPair> cypherPairConsutrctor =
[] (std::tuple<PrivateKey, PublicKey> keys) {
CypherPair r;
r.privateKey = std::get<0>(keys);
r.publicKey = std::get<1>(keys);
return r;
template<typename A>
class optional {
bool is_empty;
optional<A> filter(std::function<bool(A)>) {};
optional(bool empty) {
is_empty = empty;
template<typename A>
class none;
template<typename A>
class some:public optional<A> {
A theValue;
optional<A> filter(std::function<bool(A)> predicate) {
if (predicate(theValue)) return *this;
else return none<A>();
some(A value): optional<A>(false), theValue(value) {
template<typename A>
class none: public optional<A> {
none(): optional<A>(true) {};
optional<A> filter(std::function<bool(A)> predicate) {
return *this;
optional<int> parse(std::string str) {
try {
return some<int>(std::stoi(str.c_str()));
} catch (std::exception e) {
return none<int>();
int main() {
string <- parsing
optional<int> <- filtering odd numbers out
optional<int> <- halving
string <- if the number was odd, saying hi oddfellow, otherwise say half your odd fellow is <x> the number.
//auto start = "4";
//auto step1 = parse(start);
//auto step2 = step1.filter([] (int i) { return i % 2 == 1;});
auto res = parse("4")
.map("say falg your iadd flleow " + a)
.valueOr("hi oodFellow")
return 0;
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