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Created September 25, 2019 07:28
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SVN XML Parser Property Based Test Specification
package industrious
import io.dylemma.spac.xml._
import org.specs2.{ScalaCheck, Specification}
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Prop}
class SvnXmlParserSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck {
def is = s2"""
SVN XML Parser can
parse entries $parseEntries
parse authors $parseAuthors
parse logs $parseLogs
def parseEntries = checkParse(entryGen, SvnXmlParser.changeEntryParser)
def parseAuthors = checkParse(authorGen, SvnXmlParser.authorParser)
def parseLogs = checkParse(changeLogGen,
val authorGen = for {
elem <- Gen.alphaStr.suchThat(!_.isBlank)
name <- Gen.alphaNumStr
} yield s"<$elem>$name</$elem>" -> Author(name, name)
val entryGen = for {
action <- Gen.oneOf('M', 'A', 'D')
path <- Gen.alphaNumStr.suchThat(!_.isBlank)
} yield s"""<path action="$action">$path</path>""" -> ChangeEntry[Char](action, path)
val changeLogGen = for {
revision <- Gen.chooseNum(0L, Long.MaxValue)
author <- authorGen
message <- Gen.alphaStr
date <- DateGenerator.genZonedDateTime
paths <- Gen.listOf(entryGen)
} yield s"""<logentry revision="$revision">
</logentry>""" -> ChangeLog(author._2, revision, message, date,
def checkParse[T](gen: Gen[(String, T)], parser: XMLParser[T]) = Prop.forAllNoShrink(gen) {
case (xml, t) => parser.parse(xml) must_== t
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