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Created January 26, 2024 15:52
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Enforcing conventional commit messages
# Enforcing Conventional Commits with a Git Hook
# This gist provides instructions on how to set up a `commit-msg`
# Git hook to enforce [conventional commits]( in your project.
# The `commit-msg` script checks the commit message against a regex pattern to ensure
# it follows the conventional commit format.
# The `` script is used to colorize the output of the `commit-msg` script for better readability.
# ----- 1. Copy the hook files to .git/hooks -----
# You need to copy the files from <root>/hooks into <root>/.git/hooks when initializing your project.
# You can do this by adding this [pre script](
# to your package.json file
"name": "your-package",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
"prestart": "chmod +x hooks/* && mkdir -p .git/hooks && cp hooks/* .git/hooks/ && chmod +x .git/hooks/*",
"start": "your-start-command"
# ---- 2. Create a file <root>/hooks/commit-msg (no extention) ----
#!/usr/bin/env sh
echo "Running commit message checks..."
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/"
# Get the commit message
commit="$(cat .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG)"
# Define the conventional commit regex
regex="^(build|chore|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test)(\(.+\))?: .+$"
# Check if the commit message matches the conventional commit format
if ! echo "$commit" | grep -Pq "$regex"
colorPrint red "❌ Failed to create commit. Your commit message does not follow the conventional commit format."
colorPrint red "Please use the following format: $(colorPrint brightRed 'type(scope)?: description')"
colorPrint red "Available types are listed below. Scope is optional. Use ! after type to indicate breaking change."
colorPrint brightWhite "Quick examples:"
echo "feat: add email notifications on new direct messages"
echo "feat(shopping cart): add the amazing button"
echo "feat!: remove ticket list endpoint"
echo "fix(api): handle empty message in request body"
echo "chore(deps): bump some-package-name to version 2.0.0"
colorPrint brightWhite "Commit types:"
colorPrint brightCyan "build: $(colorPrint white "Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)" -n)"
colorPrint brightCyan "ci: $(colorPrint white "Changes to CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)" -n)"
colorPrint brightCyan "chore: $(colorPrint white "Changes which doesn't change source code or tests e.g. changes to the build process, auxiliary tools, libraries" -n)"
colorPrint brightCyan "docs: $(colorPrint white "Documentation only changes" -n)"
colorPrint brightCyan "feat: $(colorPrint white "A new feature" -n)"
colorPrint brightCyan "fix: $(colorPrint white "A bug fix" -n)"
colorPrint brightCyan "perf: $(colorPrint white "A code change that improves performance" -n)"
colorPrint brightCyan "refactor: $(colorPrint white "A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature" -n)"
colorPrint brightCyan "revert: $(colorPrint white "Revert a change previously introduced" -n)"
colorPrint brightCyan "test: $(colorPrint white "Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests" -n)"
colorPrint brightWhite "Reminders"
echo "Put newline before extended commit body"
echo "More details at $(underline "")"
exit 1
# ---- 2. Create a file <root>/hooks/ (to have access to pretty colourfull logging) ----
!/usr/bin/env sh
colorPrint() {
local color=$1
local text=$2
shift 2
local newline="\n"
local tab=""
for arg in "$@"
if [ "$arg" = "-t" ]; then
elif [ "$arg" = "-n" ]; then
case $color in
black) color_code="30" ;;
red) color_code="31" ;;
green) color_code="32" ;;
yellow) color_code="33" ;;
blue) color_code="34" ;;
magenta) color_code="35" ;;
cyan) color_code="36" ;;
white) color_code="37" ;;
brightBlack) color_code="90" ;;
brightRed) color_code="91" ;;
brightGreen) color_code="92" ;;
brightYellow) color_code="93" ;;
brightBlue) color_code="94" ;;
brightMagenta) color_code="95" ;;
brightCyan) color_code="96" ;;
brightWhite) color_code="97" ;;
*) echo "Invalid color"; return ;;
printf "\e[${color_code}m${tab}%s\e[0m${newline}" "$text"
underline () {
printf "\033[4m%s\033[24m" "$1"
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