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Last active April 17, 2019 08:20
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  • Save krzdabrowski/1966d6b8f687a2e0abe807057373b4f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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inline fun <reified T: Any> fetchData(crossinline call: (SpaceXService) -> Deferred<Response<List<T>>>): LiveData<List<T>> {
val result = MutableLiveData<List<T>>()
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
val request = call(service)
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
try {
val response = request.await()
if (response.isSuccessful) {
result.value = response.body()
} else {
Timber.d("Error occurred with code ${response.code()}")
} catch (e: HttpException) {
Timber.d("Error: ${e.message()}")
} catch (e: Throwable) {
Timber.d("Error: ${e.message}")
return result
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