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Last active December 11, 2022 08:41
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  • Save krzdabrowski/eade206f249b7030134869a96891bd32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save krzdabrowski/eade206f249b7030134869a96891bd32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
internal fun generateTestRocketsFromDomain() = listOf(
id = "1",
name = "test rocket",
costPerLaunch = 10_000_000,
firstFlight = LocalDate.parse("2022-09-25"),
height = 20,
weight = 30_000,
wikiUrl = "",
imageUrl = ""
id = "2",
name = "test rocket 2",
costPerLaunch = 20_000_000,
firstFlight = LocalDate.parse("2022-09-25"),
height = 40,
weight = 50_000,
wikiUrl = "",
imageUrl = ""
id = "3",
name = "test rocket 3",
costPerLaunch = 30_000_000,
firstFlight = LocalDate.parse("2022-09-25"),
height = 60,
weight = 70_000,
wikiUrl = "",
imageUrl = ""
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