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Last active January 25, 2023 05:43
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Pysftp - get only the changed files from the remote directory
import os
import configparser as cp
import shutil
import pysftp
import paramiko
from paramiko.py3compat import decodebytes
# credentials file name
# credentials section properties
SFTP_KEY = 'sftp_key'
SFTP_HOSTNAME = 'sftp_hostname'
SFTP_USERNAME = 'sftp_username'
SFTP_PASSWORD = 'sftp_password'
def sync_dir(remote_dir, local_dir, remove_outdated=True):
Sync to all the contents of remote_dir only.
:param remote_dir: Remote directory to sync from.
:param local_dir: Local directory to sync to.
:param remove_outdated: If outdated items should be removed.
:return The number of files synced.
files_synced = 0
print("sftp sync of '{}' starting...".format(remote_dir))
sftp = _get_connection()
if sftp is not None:
files_synced = _sync_r(sftp, remote_dir, local_dir)
print("synced {} file(s) from '{}'".format(files_synced, remote_dir))
if remove_outdated:
print("cleaning up outdated items of '{}' starting...".format(remote_dir))
outdated_removed = _remove_outdated_r(sftp, remote_dir, local_dir)
print("removed {} outdated item(s) of '{}'".format(outdated_removed, remote_dir))
print("sync of '{}' could not complete successfully".format(remote_dir))
files_synced = 0
return files_synced
def _get_connection():
configuration = get_configuration(CREDENTIALS_FILE)
if configuration is None:
print('sftp configuration is missing!')
return None
# checking if the credentials section is present in the configuration
if CREDENTIALS_SECTION not in configuration:
print('sftp configuration is not correct!')
return None
credentials = dict(configuration.items(CREDENTIALS_SECTION))
# checking if the required credentials items are present in the configuration
if SFTP_HOSTNAME not in credentials or SFTP_USERNAME not in credentials or SFTP_PASSWORD not in credentials:
print('sftp configuration is not correct!')
return None
# in case of any errors reporting the user about it
# prepare the hostname key of the remote server if present in the configuration
cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts()
if SFTP_KEY in credentials:
key = paramiko.RSAKey(data=decodebytes(credentials[SFTP_KEY].encode('utf-8')))
cnopts.hostkeys.add(credentials[SFTP_HOSTNAME], 'ssh-rsa', key)
return pysftp.Connection(credentials[SFTP_HOSTNAME], credentials[SFTP_USERNAME], cnopts=cnopts,
except: # any errors during connection setup result in a non-usable connection
print('sftp connection could not be established!')
return None
def _sync_r(sftp, remote_dir, local_dir):
Recursively sync the sftp contents starting at remote dir to the local dir and return the number of files synced.
:param sftp: Connection to the sftp server.
:param remote_dir: Remote dir to start sync from.
:param local_dir: To sync to.
:return The number of files synced.
files_synced = 0
for item in sftp.listdir(remote_dir):
remote_dir_item = os.path.join(remote_dir, item)
local_dir_item = os.path.join(local_dir, item)
if sftp.isfile(remote_dir_item):
if not os.path.exists(local_dir):
if _should_sync_file(sftp, remote_dir_item, local_dir_item):
print('sync {} => {}'.format(remote_dir_item, local_dir_item))
sftp.get(remote_dir_item, local_dir_item, preserve_mtime=True)
files_synced += 1
files_synced += _sync_r(sftp, remote_dir_item, local_dir_item)
return files_synced
def _should_sync_file(sftp, remote_file_path, local_file_path):
If the remote_file should be synced - if it was not downloaded or it is out of sync with the remote version.
:param sftp: Connection to the sftp server.
:param remote_file_path: Remote file path.
:param local_file_path: Local file path.
if not os.path.exists(local_file_path):
return True
remote_attr = sftp.lstat(remote_file_path)
local_stat = os.stat(local_file_path)
return remote_attr.st_size != local_stat.st_size or remote_attr.st_mtime != local_stat.st_mtime
def _remove_outdated_r(sftp, remote_dir, local_dir):
items_removed = 0
for item in os.listdir(local_dir):
remote_dir_item = os.path.join(remote_dir, item)
local_dir_item = os.path.join(local_dir, item)
if not sftp.exists(remote_dir_item):
print('removing {}'.format(local_dir_item))
items_removed += 1
if os.path.isdir(local_dir_item):
items_removed += _remove_outdated_r(sftp, remote_dir_item, local_dir_item)
return items_removed
def _remove(path):
""" param <path> could either be relative or absolute. """
if os.path.isfile(path):
os.remove(path) # remove file
shutil.rmtree(path) # remove directory
except Exception as e:
print("could not remove {}, error {0}".format(path, str(e)))
def get_credentials():
Get the configuration parsed as an array.
:param file: The configuration file to parse.
:return: The configuration file parsed as an array or None if it is not present.
if os.path.exists(CREDENTIALS_FILE):
credentials = cp.RawConfigParser()
return credentials
print("[Error] Credentials file {} is not defined!".format(CREDENTIALS_FILE))
return None
# configuration file containing the sftp connection details
sftp_key=<ssh-rsa key if needed>
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Hello Krzysztof,

Thank you for sharing this great script.

I couldn't run it directly and had to apply two minor updates:

  • There seem to be an error in function name "get_configuration" and "get_credentials"
  • I had to disable host key checking (I didn't have any security issue for my application) by adding something like this between lines 70 and 71:
      cnopts.hostkeys = None

Cheers !

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