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Last active March 7, 2024 10:34
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import pandas as pd
from prometheus_api_client import PrometheusConnect
from datetime import datetime
# Connect to Prometheus
prom = PrometheusConnect(url="", disable_ssl=True)
# Define labels to filter metrics
environment = 'production'
appcode = 'your_application_code'
# Define time range for the analysis
start_time_before = '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z' # Time before the incident
end_time_before = '2024-01-31T23:59:59Z'
start_time_during = '2024-02-01T00:00:00Z' # Time during the incident
end_time_during = '2024-02-29T23:59:59Z'
# Convert start_time and end_time strings to datetime objects
start_datetime_before = datetime.strptime(start_time_before, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
end_datetime_before = datetime.strptime(end_time_before, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
start_datetime_during = datetime.strptime(start_time_during, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
end_datetime_during = datetime.strptime(end_time_during, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
# Define phrases to ignore
ignore_phrases = ['kafka_topics', 'consumer_offsets', 'other_unwanted_phrase']
# Define Prometheus queries for the reference metrics
problematic_metric_query_before = 'your_problematic_metric_name{environment="' + environment + '", appcode="' + appcode + '"}'
problematic_metric_query_during = 'your_problematic_metric_name{environment="' + environment + '", appcode="' + appcode + '"}'
non_problematic_metric_query_before = 'your_non_problematic_metric_name{environment="' + environment + '", appcode="' + appcode + '"}'
non_problematic_metric_query_during = 'your_non_problematic_metric_name{environment="' + environment + '", appcode="' + appcode + '"}'
# Fetch data for the reference metrics
problematic_data_before = prom.custom_query_range(problematic_metric_query_before, start_time=start_datetime_before, end_time=end_datetime_before, step='1h')
problematic_data_during = prom.custom_query_range(problematic_metric_query_during, start_time=start_datetime_during, end_time=end_datetime_during, step='1h')
non_problematic_data_before = prom.custom_query_range(non_problematic_metric_query_before, start_time=start_datetime_before, end_time=end_datetime_before, step='1h')
non_problematic_data_during = prom.custom_query_range(non_problematic_metric_query_during, start_time=start_datetime_during, end_time=end_datetime_during, step='1h')
# Convert data to DataFrames
problematic_df_before = pd.DataFrame(problematic_data_before)
problematic_df_during = pd.DataFrame(problematic_data_during)
non_problematic_df_before = pd.DataFrame(non_problematic_data_before)
non_problematic_df_during = pd.DataFrame(non_problematic_data_during)
# Define function to calculate statistical metrics
# Define function to calculate statistical metrics
def calculate_metrics(data):
metrics = {}
if not data.empty:
# Extract values from the 'values' key within each dictionary
values_list = data['values'].apply(lambda x: [v[1] for v in x]).tolist()
# Flatten the list of values
values_flat = [item for sublist in values_list for item in sublist]
# Filter out invalid values and convert to numeric
valid_values = [float(value) for value in values_flat if isinstance(value, (int, float, str)) and value.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit()]
# Calculate statistical metrics
metrics['mean'] = pd.Series(valid_values).mean()
metrics['std_dev'] = pd.Series(valid_values).std()
metrics['quantile_95'] = pd.Series(valid_values).quantile(0.95)
metrics['mean'] = metrics['std_dev'] = metrics['quantile_95'] = None
return metrics
# Calculate statistical metrics for reference data
problematic_metrics_before = calculate_metrics(problematic_df_before)
problematic_metrics_during = calculate_metrics(problematic_df_during)
non_problematic_metrics_before = calculate_metrics(non_problematic_df_before)
non_problematic_metrics_during = calculate_metrics(non_problematic_df_during)
# Define Prometheus query for fetching all metrics based on labels
query_all_metrics = '{environment="' + environment + '", appcode="' + appcode + '"}'
# Fetch all metrics based on labels and time range
all_metrics_data = prom.custom_query_range(query_all_metrics, start_time=start_datetime_during, end_time=end_datetime_during, step='1h')
# Convert data to DataFrame
all_metrics_df = pd.DataFrame(all_metrics_data)
# Calculate statistical metrics for each metric and compare with reference metrics
for metric_name, metric_data in all_metrics_df.groupby('metric_name'):
# Check if metric contains any of the ignore phrases
if any(phrase in metric_name for phrase in ignore_phrases):
continue # Skip processing if the metric contains an ignore phrase
metric_metrics = calculate_metrics(metric_data)
# Compare statistical metrics with reference metrics
if (metric_metrics['mean'] > (problematic_metrics_during['mean'] + 3 * problematic_metrics_during['std_dev'])) or \
(metric_metrics['quantile_95'] > (problematic_metrics_during['quantile_95'] + 3 * problematic_metrics_during['std_dev'])):
print("Potential anomaly detected in metric:", metric_name)
elif (metric_metrics['mean'] < (non_problematic_metrics_during['mean'] - 3 * non_problematic_metrics_during['std_dev'])) or \
(metric_metrics['quantile_95'] < (non_problematic_metrics_during['quantile_95'] - 3 * non_problematic_metrics_during['std_dev'])):
print("Potential anomaly detected in metric:", metric_name)
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